
Showing posts with label God. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God. Show all posts

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Nityananda's Appearance Day

Who is Lord Nityananda? The most merciful incarnation!

Now it annoys me when I go to a blog, then they just give me a link to another blog. Yet here I am, about to do that. :)

In my defense ha, this is my first time, thus its not a pattern. Plus, I find the one I'm about to point you toward, to tell a wonderful story about Lord Nityananda.

And more than a plain link, I'll give a good sized excerpt to wet your whistle. :-)

"Nectarean pastimes of Lord Nityananda

Source: Caitanya Bhagavata

On the order of Gaura Krishna, Ananta Deva had already made his appearance in the village of Ekacakra in Radhadesh. In this way, Nityananda Prabhu appeared like the moon from the sea of the womb of Padmavati, the wife of Hadai Oja. And just like the rising moon, he dispelled all the darkness covering the land of Radha by his auspicious appearance. As a child, Nityananda constantly played with his boyhood friends imitating the pastimes of Krishna.

Nitai's favorite part was that of Lakshman, and He enacted it with so many apparently authentic scenes not described in the Ramayana, that people would wonder if He was making it up or actually relishing His own pastimes. The village of Ekacakra was completely absorbed in the love of little Nitai, where He spend the first 12 years of his earthly life.

The children, in their innocence, would take Nityananda Prabhu's absorption in the mood of Lakshamana to be nothing more than childish play. They did have any knowledge of his position as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Some of them would roam about as the five monkeys, and taking the role of Lakshamana, Nityananda Prabhu would ask, "Who are you monkeys who roam the forests? Tell me! I am the servant of Raghunatha!" They would tell him, "We wander here in fear of Bali. Lead us to Rama! We accept the dust of your feet upon our heads." Giving them hearty embrace, he would lead them to his master and bow down before the feet of Rama, falling flat like a rod. In the role of Lakshamana, one day Nityananda Prabhu was beaten by Indrajit. Another day he would play at killing Indrajit. Having made one of the boys take the role of Vibhishana, he would lead Vibhishana in the presence of Rama and then install him as the king of Lanka.

Another child would shout, "Look! Here I come as Ravana. Beware the shafts from my bow. Let Lakshamana protect you if he can." With this, the child playing the role of Ravana hurled a lotus flower at Nityananda Prabhu, who dropped to the ground, senseless, in the mood of a defeated Lakshamana."

Don't sotp now! :) Its such nectar. Click here, or go to:

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Ringing In the New Year

It is almost New Years Eve. Unlike many, I do not welcome it. I do not ring it in with bells and cheer. Why? Cheer seldom means joy, but alcohol. 


Tonight preparations are currently going on, this very moment, for a big celebration. Right now many are out shopping, buying fancy, fruit flavored alcoholic beverages or heavy drinks, but drinks - to make all laugh and smile. Is it not but a sign of the times we live in, that so few know how to feel happy without booze?  


The joy of religion in their past has, in reality, been too often revealed as fanaticism. Thus so many of the world do not know how to gain joy from religion. Even afraid to look for it there, fearing it will disappoint - or secure in their belief it's simply not to be found there. 


But in a bottle? Quick, fast, but a cheating process which next day may lead to much pain. Especially if some don't survive via car crashes. [While we can't control family members or teenagers etc, but everyone as they read, or right after - can send out mantras of protection!]  


I myself do not think I would have joined the Hare Krishna movement if it were like other religions. Though some may practice it that way, but that is THEIR problem, and not the right way. Srila Prabhupada himself has explained, Krishna Consciousness is not a faith or a religion, but reuniting us to an eternal relationship we've always had with Krishna - simply we have forgotten. And it can be one of friend, of parent, neutrality, servitude, lover. 


It's not some vague or boring thing. Though we must do the work to get there - but it is fun work! :)  


Here we are, so close to the big New Years celebrations that go on nearly everywhere - ignoring that year after year - horrors result. Many nevertheless go out and get drunk. In a sense we should understand everyone wants to enjoy. This is natural. God enjoys and it is therefore inherited. However, we need to do it in a safe way. 


At this very moment someone is alive who no longer will be in but a couple of evenings. This bothers me.  


Actually, it's not even a good idea to drive on the streets at all, if one can avoid. Please stay home! Go without that milk a couple days and remain safe, or "walk" to a nearby store, pay a little more money, and again stay safe


Therefore, I am never happy or secure about New Year celebrations, as they are not God conscious in general, what to speak of Krishna Consciousnesses. Guess I do not understand how Christian's can go to church ever so dedicated for Christmas - and less than one week later make it acceptable to drink or get drunk. Something I suppose I'll never comprehend. I don't recall Jesus getting drunk. While some say he drank wine so too can they, he also walked on water - master that first, then we'll talk about the wine. :) 


My dear friends, readers, anyone - Please find joy in Krishna, in ways that function for you. Put on a joyous kirtana, maybe of VishnuJana Swami, or any that get you dancing and happy. :) And /or use your own voice and sing Hare Krishna all around your home. 


Cook up a veggie feast, offer it, offer incense, joyfully dance and chant! Invite some [nearby!] friends over, tell them it's going to be a nonalcoholic cool veggie feast. Read aloud, or pass the book around and share the reading, from one of Prabhupada's transcendental books, such as Nectar Of Devotion, or Krishna Book

Add a little artoika ceremony if they're open to it, and if you know how. Such info is located on the sidbar of this blog - but if you want to keep it simple - that's fine too. Just be happy in God, He's not a fanatic, but a really fun Personality. :) 


Also Radharani, our Divine Mother. Such mercy abound, why not accept the bliss? 


When I first joined it was during the 1970's and everyone wanted to meditate for the experience of transcendental bliss. It turned out to be true! Why else would so many nearly break down the doors to move in the ashrama while Prabhupada was on the planet -  unless he gave them greater happiness than they all ready could locate on their own? 


He give this rare opportunity to all, for the mere taking. Anyone knowing how much joy can be obtained, ever so easily, thru chanting Hare Krishna, thru dancing, thru lovingly offering food, hearing an inspirational CD/MP3, that which enthuses you to be Krishna Conscious, please spend your New Years Eve in this way. 


Very simply, chant and be happy. AND stay off the roads! :) Whether I know you personally or not, is irrelevant. You are part and parcel of Shri Krishna as spirit soul - I want you to be alive and well January 2nd. 


My Prayer you may use, or create your own: Dear Lord NarasimhaDeva, You are the protector as a lioness protects cubs. Please protect those [or reader can insert a name] who may not realize the danger they're putting themselves into, drinking and driving on New Years Eve, or at any time. Enlighten them, brighten them, first by protecting them. Direct them to fall at Your lotus feet, pull them in. Replace their dangerous illusions of [mundane] partying, with thoughts of dancing for You, singing about You, & chanting Your unique glories. Such glories which many of Your children are indeed attracted to - just need a reminder - or a gentle push toward You, to save their life, their soul. Narasimhadeva ki jai!
NEXT - follow that up with: Sit comfortably, then meditate on the following simple mantra. [If this is to protect someone other than yourself, or in addition to yourself, first say/think: "On Behalf Of THEIR NAME." You will automatically be benefited as the chanter.] 
"Om Namo NaraSimhaYah Namaha"
Take long, deep, peaceful inhale............... [no cheating ha] and chant in a meditative or relaxed and focused mood: 
"Om Namo NaraSimhaYah Namaha" 
"Ommmmmmmmm Namo NaraSimhaYah Namaha" 
"AUM Namo NaraSimhaYah Namaha" 
"AUM Namo NaraSimhaYah Namaha" 
Don't let the mind wander, but if it does, this is common. So, no big deal, just pull it back, and focus. 
"Om Namo NaraSimhaYah Namaha" 
"Om Namo NaraSimhaYah Namaha" 
"Om Namo NaraSimhaYah Namaha" 
Continue peaceful, gentle deep breathing while you absorb yourself in the vibrational chanting: 
"Om Namo NaraSimhaYah Namaha" 
"Om Namo NaraSimhaYah Namaha" 
"Ommmmm Namo NaraSimhaYah Namaha" 
Continue on as long as you can, comfortably. 
"Om Namo NaraSimhaYah Namaha" 
When you feel 'done,' simply say thank you to Lord Narasimha, and to Srila Prabhupada. Do anything else you need to bring things to an end.

Now you are done. Do not hold on to worry, but do hold on to the positive energy you just created by spending time with God and Guru. It is now in their hands. We don't dig up a seed we just planted to see if it all ready grew roots. :) Know that what you did is out there like radio waves, doing what it does. Let go and Let God. Go about your day/evening.

(Actually, this is a good time to do the arotika, dancing, and reading.)

Interested in details 'how' mantra works, how it heals or protects? Online [free] self-teaching school here.