
Monday, March 14, 2022

Ukraine_Polish border_Day 7


Surely you know what's going on between Russia and the Ukraine. This post is "not" about any political view. It is only about taking care of those in need.

Letter by Para das:

Dear Prabhus,
Hare Krishna 
Hope you are well

We are in a safe zone on the Polish side of the border
The Army , the Police, the Fire Brigade and the Ambulance team all engaged in Prasad distribution(Sanctified Food)

When you go through extreme conditions, on a mutual goal , you start to make real friendships amongst people who don't even speak the same language.

We start sharing food, sharing wood, sharing facilities, in -15 temperatures.

At first the Polish soldiers were a bit aloof from us but as time went on they appreciated our Prasad distribution and spontaneously got involved. Photos attached.

Refugees fleeing their homes were waiting up to 2 days to cross the border in subzero temperatures, they were delighted with a plate of hot delicious Prasad.

One lady with two small kids explained how she arrived at the border at 5pm and crossed the next morning at 6am , chilled to the bone , she remarked " the soldiers were shooting bullets at me and now you are feeding me, I will never forget your kindness".

Today the soldiers transported a children's hospital from Ukraine to Poland , they requested us to provide the children's meals , a great honour, we are next the train station. Video is on Nick Balen Facebook.

The devotee volunteers were staying as late as 11.30pm serving meals and rising at 4am to start again.  2,600 plates of Prasad distributed daily.

Two volunteer ladies came today from Hogan and Lovell , their office is across the road from Morley House.

We will be heading back to the U.K. Tuesday evening.

Before we go we will purchase a small van , called a combo , and kitchen equipment and cash so the Polish devotees can continue to distribute Prasad 
Yours Para

Regardless of what side you are on, both politically and spiritually, this has nothing to do with that, so please give a donation - or at least a sincere prayer: