How to be conscious of Krishna at home. For those working toward initiate lifestyle [with or without ceremony], OR those already initiated to revitalize, OR folks who simply want to do what they can - finding nectar within it. All levels exist here. NO NEED TO JOIN ANY organization. Additionally, there are bits of my life in the Movement of 1970's and beyond. To get the latest post with new info, SUBSCRIBE. :)
Monday, July 16, 2018
Ecstatic Bliss
Devotee Memory:
Srila Prabhupada’s first disciple, Acarya Prabhakar Misra, was a respectable Sanskrit scholar and teacher, who held an MA and PhD title.
In an interview in the 1970’s, Acarya Prabhakar stated that in 1954 he was with Srila Prabhupada on Krsna Janmastami in Jhansi.
He related how he woke up at 1:00 a.m. and heard Srila Prabhupada ecstatically playing mridanga in the temple room upstairs.
When Acarya Prabhakar went upstairs, he saw Srila Prabhupada dancing around the temple room performing kirtan.
Prabhupada was wearing a kadamba flower garland that went all the way down to his feet.
Kadamba flowers are very rare in Jhansi and when they are available they are usually the size of a golf ball. But the one’s Prabhupada were wearing were the size of tennis balls.
And the entire room was surcharged with the fragrance of the heavenly planets.
Acarya Prabhakar asked Srila Prabhupada: “Where did this garland come from? It is not available from the market.”
Srila Prabhupada did not answer. His Divine Grace continued with kirtan, chanting and dancing around the room.
The next morning Acarya Prabhakar asked Srila Prabhupada: “Where did you get the garland? Why does it have such a rich fragrance? And why were you feeling so blissful?”
Srila Prabhupada replied: “I was chanting to Krishna and feeling some love for Him. He appeared and gave me this garland. I went to touch His feet and He disappeared. Because of that I was dancing around the temple room.” Srila Prabhupada then began crying.
Acarya Prabhakar also related that sometimes Prabhupada’s mood was to perform kirtan very intensely. He would chant on and on and on for three days straight.
Such are the pastimes of a pure devotee [Srila Prabhupada], immersed in love for the Lord.
Some of us might have heard or read this pastime but it is worth reading it or hearing it millions of times. It is faith-giving and nourishing to our souls.
Shaktyavesh Avatara
Guru Qualifications
Monday, June 25, 2018
Killing for Krishna - Really?
The somewhat recent publication of the book by the same title of this post, has both sides talking. And boy can they talk!
Those who are in favor of it's release claim it is good because it is truth. Plus, it's good because it is for healing - not hurting.
Those who are not in favor of it, say it is not healing anyone.
Truth is important. Extremely important. Mother Bhumi is standing on her last leg in this age of kali, and that is the leg of honesty.
How we handle honesty is important too.
When I was much younger shhh lol, I read self-help books which touched on this topic. They pointed out that sometimes honesty is misused as a guise to chastise, or cause trouble, or to hurt feelings.
For example, if your friend says: "Do I look fat in this?" Are you going to say "Yes," if they do? :) Maybe you will, maybe you won't. Simply, it will require some thought on how to present it gently - if at all.
When we care about someone, we figure out how to be honest in a positive way. Next as devotees, we seek honesty that can be preformed on a higher platform, as opposed to that which would cause pain or trouble-make.
[UPDATE: Since posting this, some have contacted me and it appears they did not even read the entire post, yet drew conclusions. Please read it in full to the end before judging. After that, all readers of course have a right to their own opinions. Simply, I've no interest in debates. Let it be. :) ]
I have not read the book; have zero plans to do so. Than how can I write this post on this subject matter? Simple.
A) I read enough of the link to get the gist. It was not vague, nor beat around the bush. It explained very clearly, what the book was about, giving excerpts or sneak peeks. To insist one must read a book in full first before being capable of drawing conclusions is a way to create psychological attachment. After all, once a person has invested a piece of them-self in any book, they will be affected. [It's why we should pick our books carefully.] And lets remember the link, which came out first, was meant to attract people to buy the book. In other words, it wasn't wishy-washy, but very goal oriented. To say the very link put up to draw attraction to these topics is no longer sufficient, well that simply is not true.
B) IMHO Prabhupada would not be pleased with the book, or that problems are being handled in such a way. Therefore, I will stick with my spiritual master. That is what gives me the right to speak.
To clarify, in no way am I denying, nor even minimizing, what others went thru that the author described. No. My point is, I can not imagine Prabhupada resolving isues in a manner similar to a local rag or the National Enquirer.
Personally, I suspect he may have even closed the Movement down the nanosecond he found out such activities were going on! [To reopen it under a new name as he nearly did previously - and with different leaders.] Because such activities have nothing to do with him OR his teachings.
That too is highly misrepresented by this book, IMHO.
The author claims to be a historian, and lived in NV 15 years. Fine. I've been a devotee in ISKCON 45 years, and lived in ISKCON at that time. Before it, during it, and after it. Everyone knew: "Stay away from New Vrindavana - it's weird there." The rest of the Movement was different.
I also lived directly in N.V at one point, around 1976. Saw first hand that things were in essence, quite dissimilar from other temples. Within months - I left.
Why was it not included in the book that common knowledge was, N.V. did not live the same way as those in other temples? Yet the book appears to blame so much on Prabhupada and Krishna - wrongly - as well as inaccurately. It's not our philosophy they were acting on back than - tho it may have been that of others! Important not to blindly follow others.
As I have said elsewhere throughout this blog, and still believe today: If you or anyone you know are being abused - do not go to any temple authority - go to the police!
IMHO this fellow should not be writing about ISKCON because in truth, since we are speaking of truth, he never lived in ISKCON.
He became a devotee after Prabhupada disappeared [passed on]. Much changed everywhere, but more intensely in New Vrindavana / NV. He joined an "Inter-Faith" movement of N.V. Previous to that, when KirtanAnanda tried to create inter-faith, Prabhupada disapproved and brought it to a halt.
(To any reader out there who is Inter-Faith or likes it, this is not a criticism of you, or your beliefs. It actually has nothing to do with either. We honor all religions and faiths. This may initially cause confusion thinking we must be inter-faith. Hope I can clear it up. ..........We respect all paths and everyone is welcome to attend our temple and festivals. However, when one takes spiritual initiation they must commit the same way Catholic nuns or Buddhists monks would. We take vows, and voluntarily commit to this path of Bhakti Yoga. Everyone does not have to do that and can still practice Krishna Consciousness. Simply, if someone makes a choice for spiritual initiation, they must commit; and should first study and understand our real teachings - deeply.)
Circling back :) one point, ISKCON removed N.V. from the rest of its Society. New Vrindavan was not legally part of Iskcon anymore. For years. They had become an Inter-faith cult. [Not all Inter-faith churches are cults.] And that is what the book author joined.
Anyone can use google to confirm these dates. NV and Kirtananda were legally removed from ISKCON at the time the author of the book lived there, thus he should not try to speak for the entire Hare Krishna Movement or our teachings.
I admit, I have heard many speak wonderful things about NV, even regarding that time period. I never understood it. Sure, it is a beautiful area, located in gorgeous woodlands. However, it must be used properly; it must have a proper leader, not a conditioned soul guru running the place. I often suspected it was set up to be better for men, worse for women [tho some women had good times], but especially bad for children.
When I suspected things were odd, I found a way to leave. One man told me that he took his daughter out of the school there, and since he did not have a car he walked the 4 mile road and caught a bus. Others have also left.
When someone would tell us they are moving there, or especially sending their child there, the majority of devotees in ISKCON at that time would reply similar to: "Are you thinking straight?"
Sadly, most of us realized that we could not talk them out of it; that people had to figure it out for themselves, usually through experience. Hearing was not working. [Tho we still expressed ourselves to them.]
In all fairness, N.V. changed again - long ago. Those in high positions in the past are removed. That has been checked and rechecked up on. To the best of my knowledge, it's similar now to any other temple.
Next, the title? Poor choice of words IMHO. Though an intentional choice to grab attention. Plus, selective quoting. Incomplete. Made it look like Krishna encouraged and liked killing, as did Prabhupada. No, this is not true.
It was insensitive to include such a quote and use this title - because that's NOT what Prabhupada is referring to in the quote itself. It was taken out of context, leaving it hard for most people to know.
What is Srila Prabhupada talking about? He is talking about Arjuna - a pure devotee - not about us, who are conditioned souls. He also was referring to a different yuga / timeline - not the current, difficult kali yuga. And he was speaking of a transcendental pastime - not to be imitated in material times.
In scripture it can be found that Krishna did everything possible to prevent battle of Kurukshetra. Of course, this is a pastime. Nevertheless, this point is present.
Jesus, as well various saints and sadhu's - when they saw irreligiousity - became angry. Sometimes even retaliated. One example is that of Christ overturning tables when people were trying to use the church to make mundane sales of mundane items.
This does not mean any of them liked nor encouraged such behavior in others in their religion. To think we can behave like them is a risk at best. The minute we imitate a pure devotee, we fall down. Google the words "Prabhupada" along with "sahajiya means," if you need more info on his explanation.
What also surprised me were the many devotees on fb who love and also encourage the purchase of this book. I find this to be more about them and their unresolved issues, lack of training, or some other problem.
Did they even get out of their own heads, allow it to cross the mind that it would be misunderstood to the public, making others think God and Guru of the peaceful Hare Krishna's are not so peaceful after all?
Matter of fact, that is EXACTLY what happened. It's in the feedback on amazon. Someone who previously viewed us favorably, who saw us as loving and kind - now feels the opposite!
The solution is not to hide truth, as some mistakenly think I am trying to say. No. I'm writing this pubic post, aren't I? {Rhetorical.}
The solution is to take "right" action.
Matter of fact, for decades on different topics, time and time again - I have tried to explain that blabbing problems all over the net, fb, or elsewhere - seldom solves a thing, could not possibly be pleasing to Prabhupada, and that the solution is to get off their butts :) to do something.
But mostly I get ignored. Why?
Because these days too many are not trained-up, tho some are touchy about that topic therefore I will move on. Next, many enjoy gossip, take pleasure in spreading bad news; the adrenaline rush makes some feel alive again. Others can be lazy or selfish where they don't want to preform Sankirtana or get busy in other types of devotional service.
Seldom do I speak so strongly, but this is only after years of trying to explain politely. Some even call their divergences to be preaching. No. It's temper-tantrum throwing and/or excusism to do what pleases the mind. {Besides, anyone can train up their-self by reading Prabhupada's letters to disciples etc., coupled with putting in effort.}
There are exceptions to taking action. Such as those who are ill, disabled, stay-at-home mothers, those working long hours, or etc. I am not talking to those. And they usually are not the ones doing this - or at least I don't think so. :-)
Srila Prabhupada Letter to Gurudas, February 5, 1977:
"The installing of telex communications for our main temples is not required. Then they will gossip more through the telex."
This quote is not about the telex or using modern technology. Prabhupada himself used modern technology. It's about gossip, and how strongly he was against gossiping.
My point is, got a problem? FIX IT. Too much work? DELEGATE. Can't find others wanting to help? Either need to learn relationship skills, or if not, stick to posting nectar - secure in knowing someone else better at it will get it done. These days? For sure. :)
Moving on, if the idea was truly about not hurting but healing, than there would not have been any appearance of blame placed on God or Guru/ Prabhupada. Or use / misuse via the title. To me it appeared more like shock and awe was the main focus of the book.
There are so many things that can be done to truthfully help others heal, rather than spread personal mistakes of surrendering to a conditioned soul - or spreading the childhood of now grown kids. Kids who, while some want to talk about it, others rather keep it private.
Now its 'out there' for anyone in the world to see. Their grandparents, cousins/relatives, coworkers, neighbors, marriage partner, their own children, etc. Should they tell some of those mentioned? That is their choice, not ours.
Thus if someone claims they want to aid with healing, they can do something other than write a book that focuses on mayhem.
But what?
* Write a check or do paypal, send funds to those who were hurt,
* Give good counsel or pay for a qualified therapist,
* Help these persons gain a home or land or medical coverage. Learn how the govt system works in your country, then tell them how to get on Welfare or similar - until they can get on their feet. Plus, if you have an extra trailer, piece of land, etc - take the time to find out their names, their needs - and donate to any who want whatever you may happen to have to offer.
* Open a GoFundMe specifically for them - thus getting involved in real help.
* Start a class-action law suit specifically against the "abusers." Don't say it's not possible. I know someone who did just that, with great success.
I've been reflecting that Prabhupada did not want us going to court. Nonetheless, it feels better than an exploitative book. Instead, prove who the bad guys are, send them to jail, and don't put time or energy into writing a book that focuses on chaos. Instead, place energy, time, and attention into justice and truthful help.
With more thought, I suspect Prabhupada did not want us going to court over iskcon land, power, or position. Nor frivolous law suits. However, it is different with crime. When there is a crime, the criminals should be dealt with.
The fact that some ignored it for decades, allowed it to go on, some even lived there while it was going on - then publish a book - or others love and promote this type of book - all suggests issues of their own that need attention. What is that idiom? "Healer, heal thyself."
Others believe the book has some good in it because it reveals bad guys. We all ready knew most of the bad guys, yet few arrested them. Therefore, what is it going to achieve? It's not news to us. Plus, we've seen this on web sites for decades, and no one has done a thing about it that achieved success.
If people want change, people must take action in the direction of change. (Examples are listed above.) Otherwise we are simply left with sensationalism.
Next, it appears some [not all] who joined after Pabhupada left, are more inclined to loudly say any ol' thing that crosses their mind - or others blame him for their mistreatment by human beings - when in fact they often were not taught the true philosophy - thus they charge Prabhupada for anything that transpired. Jim Jones and the poisoned Kool-Aid was not the fault of Jesus, regardless that Jones ran a Christian commune. He was deviating, as are any who are abusers in any spiritual path. What to speak of those who are worse than abusers! What is that? Those committing offenses, spiritual suicide - and trying to take others down with them.
It is highly important we all take a breath, think clearly to "separate" those guys - from the real thing.
And people determined to be authors should take even more time to point out such difference inside their books - repeatedly. To mention it a few times is far from sufficient.
Back in the early days, N.V. treated KirtanAnanda the way one should only treat a pure devotee / Srila Prabhupada. I visited there when Prabhupada was still on the planet. Even than, KirtanAnanda was viewed as if he could never make a mistake and was extremely wonderful.
Therefore, it may be possible if someone blindly followed this conditioned soul, they now may be upset at him - all the problems it caused in their life.
However, any such person is really upset with themselves - or should be if they are wiling to get a little humble to develop insight. They made a bad choice, and stuck with that bad choice quite a while too. But ego may find that difficult to accept.
They sold out to a conditioned soul and now may not trust their own ability to make choices. May even wonder if they are able to be a good judge of character anymore. Who to trust? They fear. So they stop trusting anyone who is able to make a commitment. We are viewed as fanatics, regardless how many times we prove otherwise.
A friend once told me something Dr Phil said. He was once speaking to someone who had come out of a bad relationship and broken-hearted. They said they do not trust anybody anymore. Dr Phil's reply? It was really their self they did not trust, that they did not know how to pick the right person, that they may mess up again, that <fill in the blank> may reoccur. They agreed! So there is your Dr Phil Uvaca. lol In any case, we can see that a professional is also speaking in this way. [Not that I'm into Dr. Phil.]
However, it takes time for people who have experienced trickery, to evolve, to see that what they need to work on is within.
Isn't being cheated something that happens anywhere in the world, to anyone? It's a life lesson any person from any spiritual path, or no path, must experience and resolve. It is part of the price tag we must pay for maturing.
Yet, for some it's easier to blame God, thus His Name is in the title, prefaced with a harsh word. I myself had trouble typing it, can't imagine anyone titling a book that takes the Lord's name in vain.
Next there is the statement of the author, admitting he is no longer a devotee nor follower of Prabhupada. Thus, lost the ability to understand the pure devotee, or how to select one. Most likely now, due to an offensive thought-processes. Mellow stinking thinking is still stinking thinking. Just camouflaged.
Now, the statement of him having friends of all faiths including atheists, I do too. [Don't most devotees? :) ] I am friendly even to atheists, and have friends following various religions, including various branches of Vaisnavaism. However, I don't give up my own path in order to do so. IMHO that is the difference. The author has now given it up.
He is a classical musician. My bet is music is now his religion. Ok, it's just a hypothesis. :) Simply, I know when I was a teen, music was an extremely important part of Who I Am/was. If you know anybody with a guitar, or the opposite as in classical music, you know they won't even let you touch their musical instrument! I've always believed music is very spiritual and can lead one to God. Yet we do see those who are persnickety, puffed up with their ability, and/or overly "into it" - miss or minimize the spiritual aspect, the step it leads one up. God.
Then, $20 for a book of horror stories? I can read the Enquirer for that topic - much cheaper too. Some may enjoy the adrenaline rush, but I do not see real benefit in doing that to oneself. Actually, no one gets rich off of book sales. It's simply unhealthy IMHO.
If someone needs a therapist to heal, that's perfectly okay. Go get one. However, do not expect church or temple etc to be a therapist. I feel too many pick a guru who is more like a counselor. Whereas we see Prabhupada talking about Krishna all the time. A spiritual teacher or guru is for God - a Therapist is for Therapy.
Anyhow, squealing and yakking on social media without positive, physical real-world action, is next to useless. If I had purchased this book I'd go get a refund. [Easy via amazon].
Plus, curiosity is not a sufficient reason to obtain it, as many disciples do so for that reason. However, when we financially support tabloid moods, even if true, we are not fixing a thing, and are not giving money to brahmana's, etc. What we are doing is encouraging more yellow journalism to be written. It is prajalpa.
Again, it's not about hiding. Do the above list if sincerely drawn to the book based on the idea of help.
For those who feel it's about putting Prabhupada's Movement back to rights, we've all ready seen that method never has, thus will not, achieve that goal. Instead do this one.
It's also about following Prabhupada's actual instructions that we do not even read or support regular nonsense books - what to speak of that which effects more humans than meets the eye. Potentially damaging the budding spiritual creeper-vines of some, and embarrassing or humiliating others who lived through the experience.
Wondering if anyone would leave feedback on amazon about the truths being omitted - and how he was never part of Prabhupada's Movement [tho he was part of KirtanAnanda's].
And wondering why so many these days more than in the past, are drawn to prajalpa - very sad. I mean, if ya write about bliss a few will read, but write gossip and it takes off!
Again, if someone needs therapy, swallow the ego and go get it. [Or buy a "good" self-help book on it, they work!] However, do not confuse things like this book with healing. It's, again IMHO, displeasing to Srila Prabhupada.
I feel I must almost 'thump' :) this following point or I will be criticized by those who want to miss it, so: Not saying what he wrote isn't true - am saying it's better to put abusers in jail than it is to write a juicy book. That does not help the [now grown] kids, nor others who use to be involved but no longer hold blind beliefs.
Plus it can create his own following. Because if you dare disagree, instead of your points being considered - you get mean-mouthed. Therefore, do not give up one cult for another. Follow Prabhupada's teachings within your home, and as George Harrison said, chant Hare Krishna and be happy. :) Yes, some do not want to be happy, or do not recognize their anger is really a form of depression. No criticism, just be honest, recognize if it's at least contributing to something internal, and work on .... being happy.
Anyway, please not to misunderstand, as I wish the author well. Some may think I don't, but that is not a fact. I realize he has been thru something that caused him pain. Probably thinks he's saving others from the same pain as well.
At that time period, training wasn't always good, and those trained by KirtanAnanda means they likely learned ideas about Krishna Conscious belief's and lifestyle from someone who performed illegal activities [Kirtanananda], eventually jailed for some.
Some get offended when told they were not trained up, or not properly. Why? Whether you take to music, go to college, join the armed forces, learn ballet, or so on, everyone must first undergo training. And if trained by a poor teacher, well it can be hard to unlearn what was first learned. Tho not impossible.
What people learned in the past is what they tend to still think our teachings to be. For that I especially feel sympathy. I wish the author met Prabhupada instead, as he would have a much clearer understanding.
Stop throwing the baby out with the bathwater. The true philosophy of Krishna Consciousness is the opposite of the book. It is kindness, love, helping one another, bliss, hearing nectar, and more along those lines.
What many were taught in NV back than, was twisting of scriptures, and more. [When I lived there at the time, I was told a few wrong teachings myself. Fortunately I had lived in other ISKCON temples first, so recognized it as nonsense.]
Yes, I feel for the guy and am not trying to hurt him. Simultaneously, his way of resolving issues - it's the wrong method. I will always stick up for Krishna, His name to be used with awe and reverence, or love - as well as will always stick up for jagat guru Srila Prabhupada.
IMHO, Prabhupada would never authorize this book. That says it all, for me.
Anyone who previously liked or even promoted this book, I hope you have taken time to read the various points made here.
Ask yourself, now knowing what you do, would you be able to stand in front of Srila Prabhupada, I mean 'really' stand before him, and say "I love this book, everyone should read it." ?
Don't skim past this. Actually visualize it! Feel it, sense it, smell the incense, feel his wonderful and pure presence, feel the good parts of what it was like in the old days if you were there [or visulaize it if you were not], throw flowers and feel them in your hand before you release them, hear VishnuJana Sw kirtanas upon the arrival, and/or meeting and greeting Prabhupada at the airport, feel the presence of so many devotees from all over the world gathering to hear him speak, seeing the Deities with him and so many devotees in the temple room it was mind-blowing - - be part of that. [We often forget this feeling, and it is a highly spiritual, so give it a shot.] Then standing before Srila Prabhupada, ask this question. Stop reading a few minutes, deep breathe, and do this.
The answer is not intended for debate and merely up to you. Simply, be open to rethinking this subject matter.
When I joined, the focus was on bliss, on how to get to back to Godhead. When the focus is elsewhere, we're in trouble.
Again, not saying there aren't problems. Of course there are. There are problems all over the material world which we should stop thinking we are above, and instead be more actively protective, make wiser choices, and so on. No one said not to deal with them. Simply do not deal with major issues trying them in the court of the media. Go to real court and deal with them properly.
If unwilling or unable to do that, if not in a position to make a difference the right way, than one should ask themselves if they enjoy getting psyched up with issues, instead of blissed-out with Krishna. :)
Like a little of both? Well, maybe for the non-initiated, but the risk is there to damage the bhakti-lata-bija or spiritual creeper. The initiated? [This includes those who view themselves as one.] Should live the spiritual lifestyle of a disciple, to the best of their ability in this kali yuga. And since it is kali yuga - no sense adding more distractions than we all ready have.
Especially so many of us are getting older, closer and closer to deaths door. Why waste life airs on that which they can't do a thing about. If young, lucky you. Tho can get hit by a car or personal life issues flare. Never take time here on this planet, for granted. Use it wisely. The material world is a dangerous place, do your business and get out [as Srila Bhaktisiddhanta said.]
Lastly, if you disagree strongly with my blog, do not contact me with complaints or etc. You have a right to your opinion, but I also have a right to mine. Another of mine is peace. Let it be, agree to disagree, and let us all try to get along the best we can. Hare Krishna!
Related Link:
We Should Not Become Sahajiya's
Those who are in favor of it's release claim it is good because it is truth. Plus, it's good because it is for healing - not hurting.
Those who are not in favor of it, say it is not healing anyone.
Truth is important. Extremely important. Mother Bhumi is standing on her last leg in this age of kali, and that is the leg of honesty.
How we handle honesty is important too.
When I was much younger shhh lol, I read self-help books which touched on this topic. They pointed out that sometimes honesty is misused as a guise to chastise, or cause trouble, or to hurt feelings.
For example, if your friend says: "Do I look fat in this?" Are you going to say "Yes," if they do? :) Maybe you will, maybe you won't. Simply, it will require some thought on how to present it gently - if at all.
When we care about someone, we figure out how to be honest in a positive way. Next as devotees, we seek honesty that can be preformed on a higher platform, as opposed to that which would cause pain or trouble-make.
[UPDATE: Since posting this, some have contacted me and it appears they did not even read the entire post, yet drew conclusions. Please read it in full to the end before judging. After that, all readers of course have a right to their own opinions. Simply, I've no interest in debates. Let it be. :) ]
I have not read the book; have zero plans to do so. Than how can I write this post on this subject matter? Simple.
A) I read enough of the link to get the gist. It was not vague, nor beat around the bush. It explained very clearly, what the book was about, giving excerpts or sneak peeks. To insist one must read a book in full first before being capable of drawing conclusions is a way to create psychological attachment. After all, once a person has invested a piece of them-self in any book, they will be affected. [It's why we should pick our books carefully.] And lets remember the link, which came out first, was meant to attract people to buy the book. In other words, it wasn't wishy-washy, but very goal oriented. To say the very link put up to draw attraction to these topics is no longer sufficient, well that simply is not true.
B) IMHO Prabhupada would not be pleased with the book, or that problems are being handled in such a way. Therefore, I will stick with my spiritual master. That is what gives me the right to speak.
To clarify, in no way am I denying, nor even minimizing, what others went thru that the author described. No. My point is, I can not imagine Prabhupada resolving isues in a manner similar to a local rag or the National Enquirer.
Personally, I suspect he may have even closed the Movement down the nanosecond he found out such activities were going on! [To reopen it under a new name as he nearly did previously - and with different leaders.] Because such activities have nothing to do with him OR his teachings.
That too is highly misrepresented by this book, IMHO.
The author claims to be a historian, and lived in NV 15 years. Fine. I've been a devotee in ISKCON 45 years, and lived in ISKCON at that time. Before it, during it, and after it. Everyone knew: "Stay away from New Vrindavana - it's weird there." The rest of the Movement was different.
I also lived directly in N.V at one point, around 1976. Saw first hand that things were in essence, quite dissimilar from other temples. Within months - I left.
Why was it not included in the book that common knowledge was, N.V. did not live the same way as those in other temples? Yet the book appears to blame so much on Prabhupada and Krishna - wrongly - as well as inaccurately. It's not our philosophy they were acting on back than - tho it may have been that of others! Important not to blindly follow others.
As I have said elsewhere throughout this blog, and still believe today: If you or anyone you know are being abused - do not go to any temple authority - go to the police!
IMHO this fellow should not be writing about ISKCON because in truth, since we are speaking of truth, he never lived in ISKCON.
He became a devotee after Prabhupada disappeared [passed on]. Much changed everywhere, but more intensely in New Vrindavana / NV. He joined an "Inter-Faith" movement of N.V. Previous to that, when KirtanAnanda tried to create inter-faith, Prabhupada disapproved and brought it to a halt.
(To any reader out there who is Inter-Faith or likes it, this is not a criticism of you, or your beliefs. It actually has nothing to do with either. We honor all religions and faiths. This may initially cause confusion thinking we must be inter-faith. Hope I can clear it up. ..........We respect all paths and everyone is welcome to attend our temple and festivals. However, when one takes spiritual initiation they must commit the same way Catholic nuns or Buddhists monks would. We take vows, and voluntarily commit to this path of Bhakti Yoga. Everyone does not have to do that and can still practice Krishna Consciousness. Simply, if someone makes a choice for spiritual initiation, they must commit; and should first study and understand our real teachings - deeply.)
Circling back :) one point, ISKCON removed N.V. from the rest of its Society. New Vrindavan was not legally part of Iskcon anymore. For years. They had become an Inter-faith cult. [Not all Inter-faith churches are cults.] And that is what the book author joined.
Anyone can use google to confirm these dates. NV and Kirtananda were legally removed from ISKCON at the time the author of the book lived there, thus he should not try to speak for the entire Hare Krishna Movement or our teachings.
I admit, I have heard many speak wonderful things about NV, even regarding that time period. I never understood it. Sure, it is a beautiful area, located in gorgeous woodlands. However, it must be used properly; it must have a proper leader, not a conditioned soul guru running the place. I often suspected it was set up to be better for men, worse for women [tho some women had good times], but especially bad for children.
When I suspected things were odd, I found a way to leave. One man told me that he took his daughter out of the school there, and since he did not have a car he walked the 4 mile road and caught a bus. Others have also left.
When someone would tell us they are moving there, or especially sending their child there, the majority of devotees in ISKCON at that time would reply similar to: "Are you thinking straight?"
Sadly, most of us realized that we could not talk them out of it; that people had to figure it out for themselves, usually through experience. Hearing was not working. [Tho we still expressed ourselves to them.]
In all fairness, N.V. changed again - long ago. Those in high positions in the past are removed. That has been checked and rechecked up on. To the best of my knowledge, it's similar now to any other temple.
Next, the title? Poor choice of words IMHO. Though an intentional choice to grab attention. Plus, selective quoting. Incomplete. Made it look like Krishna encouraged and liked killing, as did Prabhupada. No, this is not true.
It was insensitive to include such a quote and use this title - because that's NOT what Prabhupada is referring to in the quote itself. It was taken out of context, leaving it hard for most people to know.
What is Srila Prabhupada talking about? He is talking about Arjuna - a pure devotee - not about us, who are conditioned souls. He also was referring to a different yuga / timeline - not the current, difficult kali yuga. And he was speaking of a transcendental pastime - not to be imitated in material times.
In scripture it can be found that Krishna did everything possible to prevent battle of Kurukshetra. Of course, this is a pastime. Nevertheless, this point is present.
Jesus, as well various saints and sadhu's - when they saw irreligiousity - became angry. Sometimes even retaliated. One example is that of Christ overturning tables when people were trying to use the church to make mundane sales of mundane items.
This does not mean any of them liked nor encouraged such behavior in others in their religion. To think we can behave like them is a risk at best. The minute we imitate a pure devotee, we fall down. Google the words "Prabhupada" along with "sahajiya means," if you need more info on his explanation.
What also surprised me were the many devotees on fb who love and also encourage the purchase of this book. I find this to be more about them and their unresolved issues, lack of training, or some other problem.
Did they even get out of their own heads, allow it to cross the mind that it would be misunderstood to the public, making others think God and Guru of the peaceful Hare Krishna's are not so peaceful after all?
Matter of fact, that is EXACTLY what happened. It's in the feedback on amazon. Someone who previously viewed us favorably, who saw us as loving and kind - now feels the opposite!
The solution is not to hide truth, as some mistakenly think I am trying to say. No. I'm writing this pubic post, aren't I? {Rhetorical.}
The solution is to take "right" action.
Matter of fact, for decades on different topics, time and time again - I have tried to explain that blabbing problems all over the net, fb, or elsewhere - seldom solves a thing, could not possibly be pleasing to Prabhupada, and that the solution is to get off their butts :) to do something.
But mostly I get ignored. Why?
Because these days too many are not trained-up, tho some are touchy about that topic therefore I will move on. Next, many enjoy gossip, take pleasure in spreading bad news; the adrenaline rush makes some feel alive again. Others can be lazy or selfish where they don't want to preform Sankirtana or get busy in other types of devotional service.
Seldom do I speak so strongly, but this is only after years of trying to explain politely. Some even call their divergences to be preaching. No. It's temper-tantrum throwing and/or excusism to do what pleases the mind. {Besides, anyone can train up their-self by reading Prabhupada's letters to disciples etc., coupled with putting in effort.}
There are exceptions to taking action. Such as those who are ill, disabled, stay-at-home mothers, those working long hours, or etc. I am not talking to those. And they usually are not the ones doing this - or at least I don't think so. :-)
Srila Prabhupada Letter to Gurudas, February 5, 1977:
"The installing of telex communications for our main temples is not required. Then they will gossip more through the telex."
This quote is not about the telex or using modern technology. Prabhupada himself used modern technology. It's about gossip, and how strongly he was against gossiping.
My point is, got a problem? FIX IT. Too much work? DELEGATE. Can't find others wanting to help? Either need to learn relationship skills, or if not, stick to posting nectar - secure in knowing someone else better at it will get it done. These days? For sure. :)
Moving on, if the idea was truly about not hurting but healing, than there would not have been any appearance of blame placed on God or Guru/ Prabhupada. Or use / misuse via the title. To me it appeared more like shock and awe was the main focus of the book.
There are so many things that can be done to truthfully help others heal, rather than spread personal mistakes of surrendering to a conditioned soul - or spreading the childhood of now grown kids. Kids who, while some want to talk about it, others rather keep it private.
Now its 'out there' for anyone in the world to see. Their grandparents, cousins/relatives, coworkers, neighbors, marriage partner, their own children, etc. Should they tell some of those mentioned? That is their choice, not ours.
Thus if someone claims they want to aid with healing, they can do something other than write a book that focuses on mayhem.
But what?
* Write a check or do paypal, send funds to those who were hurt,
* Give good counsel or pay for a qualified therapist,
* Help these persons gain a home or land or medical coverage. Learn how the govt system works in your country, then tell them how to get on Welfare or similar - until they can get on their feet. Plus, if you have an extra trailer, piece of land, etc - take the time to find out their names, their needs - and donate to any who want whatever you may happen to have to offer.
* Open a GoFundMe specifically for them - thus getting involved in real help.
* Start a class-action law suit specifically against the "abusers." Don't say it's not possible. I know someone who did just that, with great success.
I've been reflecting that Prabhupada did not want us going to court. Nonetheless, it feels better than an exploitative book. Instead, prove who the bad guys are, send them to jail, and don't put time or energy into writing a book that focuses on chaos. Instead, place energy, time, and attention into justice and truthful help.
With more thought, I suspect Prabhupada did not want us going to court over iskcon land, power, or position. Nor frivolous law suits. However, it is different with crime. When there is a crime, the criminals should be dealt with.
The fact that some ignored it for decades, allowed it to go on, some even lived there while it was going on - then publish a book - or others love and promote this type of book - all suggests issues of their own that need attention. What is that idiom? "Healer, heal thyself."
Others believe the book has some good in it because it reveals bad guys. We all ready knew most of the bad guys, yet few arrested them. Therefore, what is it going to achieve? It's not news to us. Plus, we've seen this on web sites for decades, and no one has done a thing about it that achieved success.
If people want change, people must take action in the direction of change. (Examples are listed above.) Otherwise we are simply left with sensationalism.
Next, it appears some [not all] who joined after Pabhupada left, are more inclined to loudly say any ol' thing that crosses their mind - or others blame him for their mistreatment by human beings - when in fact they often were not taught the true philosophy - thus they charge Prabhupada for anything that transpired. Jim Jones and the poisoned Kool-Aid was not the fault of Jesus, regardless that Jones ran a Christian commune. He was deviating, as are any who are abusers in any spiritual path. What to speak of those who are worse than abusers! What is that? Those committing offenses, spiritual suicide - and trying to take others down with them.
It is highly important we all take a breath, think clearly to "separate" those guys - from the real thing.
And people determined to be authors should take even more time to point out such difference inside their books - repeatedly. To mention it a few times is far from sufficient.
Back in the early days, N.V. treated KirtanAnanda the way one should only treat a pure devotee / Srila Prabhupada. I visited there when Prabhupada was still on the planet. Even than, KirtanAnanda was viewed as if he could never make a mistake and was extremely wonderful.
Therefore, it may be possible if someone blindly followed this conditioned soul, they now may be upset at him - all the problems it caused in their life.
However, any such person is really upset with themselves - or should be if they are wiling to get a little humble to develop insight. They made a bad choice, and stuck with that bad choice quite a while too. But ego may find that difficult to accept.
They sold out to a conditioned soul and now may not trust their own ability to make choices. May even wonder if they are able to be a good judge of character anymore. Who to trust? They fear. So they stop trusting anyone who is able to make a commitment. We are viewed as fanatics, regardless how many times we prove otherwise.
A friend once told me something Dr Phil said. He was once speaking to someone who had come out of a bad relationship and broken-hearted. They said they do not trust anybody anymore. Dr Phil's reply? It was really their self they did not trust, that they did not know how to pick the right person, that they may mess up again, that <fill in the blank> may reoccur. They agreed! So there is your Dr Phil Uvaca. lol In any case, we can see that a professional is also speaking in this way. [Not that I'm into Dr. Phil.]
However, it takes time for people who have experienced trickery, to evolve, to see that what they need to work on is within.
Isn't being cheated something that happens anywhere in the world, to anyone? It's a life lesson any person from any spiritual path, or no path, must experience and resolve. It is part of the price tag we must pay for maturing.
Yet, for some it's easier to blame God, thus His Name is in the title, prefaced with a harsh word. I myself had trouble typing it, can't imagine anyone titling a book that takes the Lord's name in vain.
Next there is the statement of the author, admitting he is no longer a devotee nor follower of Prabhupada. Thus, lost the ability to understand the pure devotee, or how to select one. Most likely now, due to an offensive thought-processes. Mellow stinking thinking is still stinking thinking. Just camouflaged.
Now, the statement of him having friends of all faiths including atheists, I do too. [Don't most devotees? :) ] I am friendly even to atheists, and have friends following various religions, including various branches of Vaisnavaism. However, I don't give up my own path in order to do so. IMHO that is the difference. The author has now given it up.
He is a classical musician. My bet is music is now his religion. Ok, it's just a hypothesis. :) Simply, I know when I was a teen, music was an extremely important part of Who I Am/was. If you know anybody with a guitar, or the opposite as in classical music, you know they won't even let you touch their musical instrument! I've always believed music is very spiritual and can lead one to God. Yet we do see those who are persnickety, puffed up with their ability, and/or overly "into it" - miss or minimize the spiritual aspect, the step it leads one up. God.
Then, $20 for a book of horror stories? I can read the Enquirer for that topic - much cheaper too. Some may enjoy the adrenaline rush, but I do not see real benefit in doing that to oneself. Actually, no one gets rich off of book sales. It's simply unhealthy IMHO.
If someone needs a therapist to heal, that's perfectly okay. Go get one. However, do not expect church or temple etc to be a therapist. I feel too many pick a guru who is more like a counselor. Whereas we see Prabhupada talking about Krishna all the time. A spiritual teacher or guru is for God - a Therapist is for Therapy.
Anyhow, squealing and yakking on social media without positive, physical real-world action, is next to useless. If I had purchased this book I'd go get a refund. [Easy via amazon].
Plus, curiosity is not a sufficient reason to obtain it, as many disciples do so for that reason. However, when we financially support tabloid moods, even if true, we are not fixing a thing, and are not giving money to brahmana's, etc. What we are doing is encouraging more yellow journalism to be written. It is prajalpa.
Again, it's not about hiding. Do the above list if sincerely drawn to the book based on the idea of help.
For those who feel it's about putting Prabhupada's Movement back to rights, we've all ready seen that method never has, thus will not, achieve that goal. Instead do this one.
It's also about following Prabhupada's actual instructions that we do not even read or support regular nonsense books - what to speak of that which effects more humans than meets the eye. Potentially damaging the budding spiritual creeper-vines of some, and embarrassing or humiliating others who lived through the experience.
Wondering if anyone would leave feedback on amazon about the truths being omitted - and how he was never part of Prabhupada's Movement [tho he was part of KirtanAnanda's].
And wondering why so many these days more than in the past, are drawn to prajalpa - very sad. I mean, if ya write about bliss a few will read, but write gossip and it takes off!
Again, if someone needs therapy, swallow the ego and go get it. [Or buy a "good" self-help book on it, they work!] However, do not confuse things like this book with healing. It's, again IMHO, displeasing to Srila Prabhupada.
I feel I must almost 'thump' :) this following point or I will be criticized by those who want to miss it, so: Not saying what he wrote isn't true - am saying it's better to put abusers in jail than it is to write a juicy book. That does not help the [now grown] kids, nor others who use to be involved but no longer hold blind beliefs.
Plus it can create his own following. Because if you dare disagree, instead of your points being considered - you get mean-mouthed. Therefore, do not give up one cult for another. Follow Prabhupada's teachings within your home, and as George Harrison said, chant Hare Krishna and be happy. :) Yes, some do not want to be happy, or do not recognize their anger is really a form of depression. No criticism, just be honest, recognize if it's at least contributing to something internal, and work on .... being happy.
Anyway, please not to misunderstand, as I wish the author well. Some may think I don't, but that is not a fact. I realize he has been thru something that caused him pain. Probably thinks he's saving others from the same pain as well.
At that time period, training wasn't always good, and those trained by KirtanAnanda means they likely learned ideas about Krishna Conscious belief's and lifestyle from someone who performed illegal activities [Kirtanananda], eventually jailed for some.
Some get offended when told they were not trained up, or not properly. Why? Whether you take to music, go to college, join the armed forces, learn ballet, or so on, everyone must first undergo training. And if trained by a poor teacher, well it can be hard to unlearn what was first learned. Tho not impossible.
What people learned in the past is what they tend to still think our teachings to be. For that I especially feel sympathy. I wish the author met Prabhupada instead, as he would have a much clearer understanding.
Stop throwing the baby out with the bathwater. The true philosophy of Krishna Consciousness is the opposite of the book. It is kindness, love, helping one another, bliss, hearing nectar, and more along those lines.
What many were taught in NV back than, was twisting of scriptures, and more. [When I lived there at the time, I was told a few wrong teachings myself. Fortunately I had lived in other ISKCON temples first, so recognized it as nonsense.]
Yes, I feel for the guy and am not trying to hurt him. Simultaneously, his way of resolving issues - it's the wrong method. I will always stick up for Krishna, His name to be used with awe and reverence, or love - as well as will always stick up for jagat guru Srila Prabhupada.
IMHO, Prabhupada would never authorize this book. That says it all, for me.
Anyone who previously liked or even promoted this book, I hope you have taken time to read the various points made here.
Ask yourself, now knowing what you do, would you be able to stand in front of Srila Prabhupada, I mean 'really' stand before him, and say "I love this book, everyone should read it." ?
Don't skim past this. Actually visualize it! Feel it, sense it, smell the incense, feel his wonderful and pure presence, feel the good parts of what it was like in the old days if you were there [or visulaize it if you were not], throw flowers and feel them in your hand before you release them, hear VishnuJana Sw kirtanas upon the arrival, and/or meeting and greeting Prabhupada at the airport, feel the presence of so many devotees from all over the world gathering to hear him speak, seeing the Deities with him and so many devotees in the temple room it was mind-blowing - - be part of that. [We often forget this feeling, and it is a highly spiritual, so give it a shot.] Then standing before Srila Prabhupada, ask this question. Stop reading a few minutes, deep breathe, and do this.
The answer is not intended for debate and merely up to you. Simply, be open to rethinking this subject matter.
When I joined, the focus was on bliss, on how to get to back to Godhead. When the focus is elsewhere, we're in trouble.
Again, not saying there aren't problems. Of course there are. There are problems all over the material world which we should stop thinking we are above, and instead be more actively protective, make wiser choices, and so on. No one said not to deal with them. Simply do not deal with major issues trying them in the court of the media. Go to real court and deal with them properly.
If unwilling or unable to do that, if not in a position to make a difference the right way, than one should ask themselves if they enjoy getting psyched up with issues, instead of blissed-out with Krishna. :)
Like a little of both? Well, maybe for the non-initiated, but the risk is there to damage the bhakti-lata-bija or spiritual creeper. The initiated? [This includes those who view themselves as one.] Should live the spiritual lifestyle of a disciple, to the best of their ability in this kali yuga. And since it is kali yuga - no sense adding more distractions than we all ready have.
Especially so many of us are getting older, closer and closer to deaths door. Why waste life airs on that which they can't do a thing about. If young, lucky you. Tho can get hit by a car or personal life issues flare. Never take time here on this planet, for granted. Use it wisely. The material world is a dangerous place, do your business and get out [as Srila Bhaktisiddhanta said.]
Lastly, if you disagree strongly with my blog, do not contact me with complaints or etc. You have a right to your opinion, but I also have a right to mine. Another of mine is peace. Let it be, agree to disagree, and let us all try to get along the best we can. Hare Krishna!
Related Link:
We Should Not Become Sahajiya's
Learn How to Heal - here. This is Sound and Energy Healing. Which IMHO also brings great inner peace. Please read front page to make sure it's what you want. Hope so! :)
Sunday, June 24, 2018
Ekadasi Recipes
Will continue to post here some no-grain recipes for Ekadasi. I myself eat 80% raw food but realize many out there do not, so felt to add some Ekadasi recipes that are filling. Remember, offer it to Krishna first. :)
For those who do not know:
t = teaspoon
T = Tablespoon
C = cup
If I forget to mention it, please know it is important to use organic as much as possible.
Filling Fruit Salad
1 large banana, sliced
1/4 C unsweetened coconut flakes
1/4 C walnuts, chopped
2 T dried cranberries
21/2 T unsalted sunflower seeds
Xylitol or agave nectar or other organic natural sweetener, to taste
1. In bowl place sliced banana.
2. Top with coconut, walnuts, cranberries, and sunflower seeds.
3. Sprinkle with Xylitol or drizzle agave nectar on top.
Makes: 1 serving in approximately 5 minutes.
TWICE BAKED SWEET POTATOES [along with Blueberries & Pecans]
3 organic sweet potatoes
1/2 T organic butter or raw virgin coconut oil
2/3 C pecans
1/3 C blueberries
Preheat your oven - 400 F.
Wash or rinse sweet potatoes. Remove any eyes with a knife.
Put sweet potatoes on a baking sheet, next put in the oven.
Leaving potatoes to bake gives you time to melt the butter or coconut oil in a skillet on a medium heat.
Once melted, add pecans and stir.
Next add the blueberries, stirring them into pecans mixture. Turn off heat, when blueberries are warm and mixed in fully. Place to the side.
Generally the sweet potatoes require 50ish minutes to cook but check them before that because sometimes they are done soon. Use a fork to check. It should easily go thru the potato if it is done.
When it's time or when sweet potatoes are cooked, removed them from oven, cut sweet potatoes in half.
Remove from the skin by scooping it out, the sweet potato from each one. Put it in medium sized bowl. Now add half the pecan blueberry mixture to your potato bowl.
Next, place potato mixture evenly back into potato skins. Return to oven but only 7-10 minutes or until the potato gets crispy on the top.
Offer with love.
Partake of the prasadam. :) Happy Ekadasi.
Potato PIZZA
4 large organic potatoes
1 or more C marinara sauce,
1 C grated part-skim [organic] mozzarella cheese
4 medium tomatoes cooked, skinned, as well as chopped,
2 T organic virgin olive oil
1 tsp sweet basil
1/2 tsp oregano
1 tsp paprika
1 tsp garam masala
1tsp Himalayan salt
Bake potatoes until done.
Once they're cooled down enough to handle, cut each potato in half lengthwise.
Fluff the inside of each half of the potato with a fork.
Taking 2 T of the sauce, spread that onto each potato half.
Follow that with 2 to 3 tablespoons grated cheese.
Bake in a preheated 400-degree oven -10 minutes, or until the cheese is bubbly. Serve at once.
Serves 4 but you can modify the recipe accordingly. Just be sure to do the math. :)
Of course, offer to Krishna with love and devotion. <3
For those who do not know:
t = teaspoon
T = Tablespoon
C = cup
If I forget to mention it, please know it is important to use organic as much as possible.
Filling Fruit Salad
1 large banana, sliced
1/4 C unsweetened coconut flakes
1/4 C walnuts, chopped
2 T dried cranberries
21/2 T unsalted sunflower seeds
Xylitol or agave nectar or other organic natural sweetener, to taste
1. In bowl place sliced banana.
2. Top with coconut, walnuts, cranberries, and sunflower seeds.
3. Sprinkle with Xylitol or drizzle agave nectar on top.
Makes: 1 serving in approximately 5 minutes.
TWICE BAKED SWEET POTATOES [along with Blueberries & Pecans]
3 organic sweet potatoes
1/2 T organic butter or raw virgin coconut oil
2/3 C pecans
1/3 C blueberries
Preheat your oven - 400 F.
Wash or rinse sweet potatoes. Remove any eyes with a knife.
Put sweet potatoes on a baking sheet, next put in the oven.
Leaving potatoes to bake gives you time to melt the butter or coconut oil in a skillet on a medium heat.
Once melted, add pecans and stir.
Next add the blueberries, stirring them into pecans mixture. Turn off heat, when blueberries are warm and mixed in fully. Place to the side.
Generally the sweet potatoes require 50ish minutes to cook but check them before that because sometimes they are done soon. Use a fork to check. It should easily go thru the potato if it is done.
When it's time or when sweet potatoes are cooked, removed them from oven, cut sweet potatoes in half.
Remove from the skin by scooping it out, the sweet potato from each one. Put it in medium sized bowl. Now add half the pecan blueberry mixture to your potato bowl.
Next, place potato mixture evenly back into potato skins. Return to oven but only 7-10 minutes or until the potato gets crispy on the top.
Offer with love.
Partake of the prasadam. :) Happy Ekadasi.
Potato PIZZA
4 large organic potatoes
1 or more C marinara sauce,
1 C grated part-skim [organic] mozzarella cheese
4 medium tomatoes cooked, skinned, as well as chopped,
2 T organic virgin olive oil
1 tsp sweet basil
1/2 tsp oregano
1 tsp paprika
1 tsp garam masala
1tsp Himalayan salt
Bake potatoes until done.
Once they're cooled down enough to handle, cut each potato in half lengthwise.
Fluff the inside of each half of the potato with a fork.
Taking 2 T of the sauce, spread that onto each potato half.
Follow that with 2 to 3 tablespoons grated cheese.
Bake in a preheated 400-degree oven -10 minutes, or until the cheese is bubbly. Serve at once.
Serves 4 but you can modify the recipe accordingly. Just be sure to do the math. :)
Of course, offer to Krishna with love and devotion. <3
Please return - more recipes to be posted!
Saturday, June 23, 2018
Smile Awhile
Plus, it has been proven medically healthy to find humor in life or take a few minutes out to laugh = longevity and less risk of disease - or at least better able to fight it off. Therefore, this page will have many pics that are funny.
More Updates! :)


A classic - still makes me laugh:
More Updates! :)


[This is just a joke! Laugh. :) ]


I can't stop myself lol, as I have so many funny meme's. But time is pressing. I may come back to post more.
Moving on:
Laughter is one way of healing. There are of course others. If you would like to learn energy and mantric healing FREE. It usually costs a bundle - read the Introduction of my FB "Mantra & Energy Healing" page and see if you like it. Hope so! Please click the join button. :)
Related Post:
HUMOR - Includes some info explaining how laughter is beneficial to health, quotes from 'Anatomy of An Illness,' Food for Thought, Ideas on therapy & therapists - and lots of jokes! :)
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