
Monday, March 6, 2017

Those Dancing Girls

This is a blog post I've wanted to make for YEARS. Yet I do not want to offend anyone, so I keep putting it off, seeking the right words. Well, today I said to myself: "Enough is enough - just dive in and do your best." That's all I can promise you, that I will try. 

I'm an old foggie who joined in the 70's. Perhaps I am merely use to things being a certain way. Simultaneously, when it comes to transcendental knowledge, those instructions are ageless. 

Some years back I was so happy to see wonderful Harinama of the younger generation. Though soon noticed the dancing was incredibly different from the type we did. 

I give much credit for the sincere who go out. It is not their fault if no one taught them correctly. Concurrently, I can not minimize Prabhupada's instructions.

I take issue with the 'way' women have been dancing on Harinama. Some of my godsiblings may think I make too much of this. I hope they will forgive me - as it just seems so opposite of what Prabhupada taught us when it comes to the topic of Harinama.

The first time I saw the dancing, I could not figure out why, but it just hit me as wrong. It took me awhile to put my finger on it. Finally I did, and came to similar conclusions to what other devotees are 'also' pointing out:   

It's too sensual, and takes attention off the Holy Names, placing more onto beautiful women.

Don't get me wrong, I've no problem with women being beautiful, and disagree with putting bags over their heads or hiding them in the home devoid of Sankirtana participation.

Matter of fact, I've even no problem with the attachment these women seem to have for dancing in this way IF they stop calling it Harinama and instead call it theater or a parade or similar. That would be bonafide.

But when I think of Harinama, I think of Prabhupada, I think of the old days, I think of what it use to be like, and how everyone all over the globe danced the exact same way Lord Chaitanya danced - as Prabhupada taught.

Ahhh Found a quote. :)   
 “Regarding your question about the dancing, the dancing should be done enthusiastically by raising the hands like Panca-tattva. You can also dance enthusiastically by raising hands. All of Lord Chaitanya’s followers used to dance with raised hands. If someone dances with ecstasy, that is all right, but it is better to dance with raised hands.”  
Srila Prabhupauda Letter, 11/10/75

When I see the modern devotee ladies doing what looks like the Hawaiian Hula - it says to me that what we were doing in the past is considered boring, or viewed as not fancy enough, or not up with the times, or <fill in the blank with some dissatisfaction>.

However, such reasons are inaccurate - at best.  

Do not blame these young women. I've actually read fanatics call them prostitutes, which is offensive and an aparadha! Reading such nonsense is probably why I would stick up for them for quite a while. These are chaste ladies following what their authorities tell them to do. 

With that said, why no one takes this wrong style of dancing to bigger authorities, or is at least annoyed enough about it as a deviation - is beyond me. It has now become acceptable as Harinama. Personally I believe if Prabhupada were to see it, he'd disapprove, and make corrections.

 Just like see Caitanya Mahäprabhu. He is chanting and dancing, chanting and dancing, you see, the same thing. This picture is before you so that gradually, when you feel ecstasy, you will also dance like Him." ~ SPL on Maha Mantra NY Sept 8, 66

Although their new dancing has its place, that place is elsewhere.... at a RathaYatra, as part of a play/theater, at a Festival, on a stage somewhere, or in the streets as a Parade. Just call it what it is. Names are important. Without them, it's Impersonalism.

The purpose of a play/theater is entertainment which we dovetail and make spiritual. Even if ya don't like what these young women do, it can be used for preaching purposes as in joining other popular  parades, or of course going out on their own parade.

But the purpose of Harinama is different from that of entertainment. It's not to place focus on ourselves but onto the Holy Names AND so others can join in if they wish. Not everyone can follow that Hula dance. :-)

To clarify, no hips are moving, but there is a wiggling of the arms/wrists/hands 2 or 3 times to each side. Back and forth, side-to-side. Prabhupada never instructed any wiggling or sideways movements of the hands/wrists. 

Instead hands are to go above the head - IMHO that means up toward God/Krishna. Also, it's a motion representing surrender. 

Additionally, the current, modern ladies, walk to make sure to move their legs/feet in "perfect" unison - more like that of a school dance, cheering team, or part of a parade. Whereas our footsteps were only somewhat united - really just normal walking thru the streets, and sharing the song.

Any physical unity was merely natural - no endeavor required. Look at old videos and you will see, the style of dressing as well as stepping was kept simple - not like the modern version. 
Even when we picked a place to stop and sing, we didn't really think about how united our foot movements were. We were just sharing the bliss of the Holy Names.
(1970's style Harinama standing on the sidewalk singing.)

I have avoided putting pics of the modern devotee women because I don't want to discourage these new devotees, and understand they are merely doing what they were told. Though it is difficult not to share those, because than you could see the difference. 

While there is no doubt they are lovely, some out there may not "initially" see a difference, whereas if we put the pics side by side - women who did Harinama when Prabhupada was in charge - and those doing it now - the difference would be blatantly obvious. 

These days some even are given dance lessons to coordinate, or dance back-to-back, or etc. 

Comparatively, our biggest drill was the Swami Step lol [no drill required], and to check if anyone was wearing mismatched socks. lol 

Seriously though, if there has to be any choreography, that disqualifies it as Harinama. Then it becomes (spiritual) Eentertainment. Even kirtana is not meant to be showy.
"Practicing is already done by kirtana. It is not required for us to become artists. Our main point is service to Krishna, not to please an audience. We shall not divert our attention too much to adjustment of musical sounds. People should not misunderstood that we are a band of musical artists. They must know that we are devotees of Krishna. Our devotional practice and purity shall be so strong that wherever we chant there will be immediately an impression in the audience for devotion to Krishna."  (Srila Prabhupada Letter to Tamala Krishna 69-10-30

Harinama and parade are currently being treated as one and the same. They are not.  The modern version is a "performance."  

Since performances are acceptable under the title of Parade, Theater, etc - why is it  that those who participate and do this fancy dancing, rebel against calling it that? There is no harm in putting on a bona-fide show, or holding a parade. Only benefit.

Some readers may feel, "So what, they are attracting many, and there's nothing wrong with looking great!"  

I never said there was anything wrong with looking great [scroll up if you need to reread about that aspect.] Of course we should look presentable, but that's common sense. It's been taken further

And of course they are attracting many. Any bit of Prabhupada's teaching can attract. Krishna's name means "all attractive."  

However, it is not as if people were not attracted in the past, but now they are. No. We attracted folks previously with our simple dance, simple clothing, and focus on holy names as what to utilize for attracting. Better to attract through Prabhupada's technique.

Why do I care? Because it's not in line with His Divine Grace's instructions about Harinama. As with the books, the saree /dhoti issue, and others I've not time to mention at the moment - little changes here, there, elsewhere - eventually results in making acceptable many unbonafide changes. If we are to represent Prabhupada's Movement we must do it his way.

Krishna appears in sound vibration, does not require pretty people in material bodies, nor fancy dancing that no one else can participate along with. And if you look at their dancing, it appears no one else is suppose to jump in. It would mess it up.

When I was young and went out on Harinama, sometimes a person would join in with us. It was nectar! So much fun. Purifying for all involved. But that is rare these days, as not every one feels comfortable trying to match the new dance, even if they were allowed to jump in. Everyone should feel capable of the dance. 

Just saw yet another photo of them. A woman up front held her arms out and to the side/middle, in a straight line facing the viewer. The next women, keeping a specific space between them, held her arms slightly higher than the first lady. The 3rd, also carefully spaced apart, held her arms up even higher than the last. And so on. What the heck is this? I never saw that, ever. More theatrics. Which is fine if it's in theater. Four-armed forms on Harinama? Never instructed by Srila Prabhupada.

Another new vox populi has been the hand / two finger gesture, slid over the eyes, often seen in Hindu movies. I've never once seen Prabhupada do that, nor tell any of his female disciples to do that on Harinama. This is not Bollywood, not even BharatNatyama [which has it's place, elsewhere]. Harinama is the spreading of Krishna's names.

Sorry to others who may feel uncomfortable reading this - just had to point out these various, tho related, aspects. 

In part, felt obliged to, because of a post I saw suggestive to the contrary. It was from some of these ladies, who basically commented:  "It's about energy and what Prabhupada was trying to do."  ....... No. Otherwise he would have had us do it.

Energy is impersonal. Sound vibration is personal. Quotes reveal Krishna dances on the tongue during chanting.

There's no question of what Prabhupada wanted. It's not something we finally figured out or finally achieved. Rather, he's very clear in his instructions, and it was achieved. Nowhere is this modern dance concoction acceptable as Harinama. 

As entertainment? Sure, no problem. Call it Street Theater or Etc.

However, when looking at a Buddhist monk or Catholic priest / nun, we expect a certain amount of simplicity in both their appearance and behavior. 
We already have pretty flags [to glorify God], posters, etc for Harinama  - we do not need the beauty of women to promote the unparalleled beauty of God's transcendental sound vibrations. 

It needs to be added - I've also seen some men doing that Russian Squat dance - or Break-dancing. Therefore, it is not limited to women. 

UPDATE: Have been recently seeing people, probably men, wearing frog and lizard masks out on Harinama.  My goodness, what is going on? Again, not to misunderstand.If they want to call it a parade etc etc that's fine. But they are not. And this is a problem. Harinama comes from scripture. It has very clear instruction with the "how to's" and they are not hard. We are not trying to look like frogs or do comedy hour or trying to draw attention to 'ourselves.' We are trying to draw attention to the holy names. Save the rest for entertainment. Tho I myself would not want to go to such a show ha, but maybe some do. Put on a play for them. Leave Harinama alone.

Previously while walking throughout the streets, men were upfront to protect women from any crazies who might be out there, with the women in the middle. Today? Women are walking upfront! 

 Some may point out they can find pictures of the women up front even in the old days. I agree! It was one of those things where ya had to be there to understand what was going on. And here is the summarized reason:  

Nondevotees were having a lot of trouble accepting women in the back. [Where they sometimes, incorrectly, wound up front - thus one reason for the pictures.]  They viewed refusing women to be in front in a very poor light. Therefore, sometimes the women were "brought" up front. You can't see that in the camera. Some of those pics were arranged, tho others were not. 

Is this the same as what's being done today; pleasing the nondevotee for the sake of preaching? No. Why? Again, it has been taken too far. Plus, we predominately stuck with: women in the middle.

Anyhow, 'initiated' disciples - stop trying to pass off entertainment, fancy dance style, cool or exotic or gorgeous clothing... as Harinama.  HariNama means it's all about Hari, and nama = name.

Dancing that is not the same as Lord Chaitanya's, or in accordance with Prabhupada's directions - are out of synch with the way His Divine Grace had us dance to glorify God. No getting showy. Heck, he even stopped kirtana's when the men danced wrongly, and spoke against mrdanga players who got showy. 

"Krishna kirtana is not meant for entertaining the public for demonstration of arts. It is dynamic service to the Lord. We do not therefore mind so much about the artistic presentation of Krishna kirtana but we want to see how much a devotee is satisfying the Supreme Will."  (Srila Prabhupada Letter to Jadurani 67-12-12)

I've given credit to these ladies dancing to be recognized as spiritual in the past.  Not saying it isn't spiritual. It is. However, there are specific instructions for initiated disciples, and seeing a post by one of these ladies saying: "If we don't get their party, then we don't get what Prabhupada is trying to do," that was too much. Show us a quote.

It felt like Impersonalism. Harinama is not about mere energy, it's about the SOURCE of energy - God / Krishna. Their comment kind of made me stop sticking up for them. Oh I still will if someone calls them prostitute. Other than that, they first need to understand 'what' they are truthfully meant to be doing, [spreading Krishna's Name], and not about "getting off" on energy. 

And sure, nothing is wrong with partying, but only after they have the philosophy right - and do not rebel when given good instruction. [Many are telling them to stop. Years ago I googled, and was startled how many. But their authority seems to be behind what they are doing. sigh.]  

More important, their prerequisite defense suggests they've not paused even one moment to think another way - need no correction - apparently we are the ones with the problem.  

They stated we are lacking humility, yet they maintain an attitude & do not appear to take the Prabhupada quotes we show, very seriously. 

If I find a Prabhupada quote that proves me wrong, I will surrender to it. :-) .....So far, no such quote. Quite the opposite quotes, really.

Now, I was kind of ready to let all this slide, until one day someone posted a video of such dancing women, captioned: "Krishna Consciousness is spreading everywhere." To me that sound more like: "Making changes to perfect  transcendental instruction is what's spreading Krishna Consciousness everywhere." So I had to touch on the subject matter

The short answer IMHO is, if we take anything of Prabhupada's and use it, some degree of Krishna Consciousness will come thru. Of course it will benefit others. I am not saying there is no Krishna Consciousness in these dancing's. No. I have often said they are doing it from their heart and in accordance to what they were instructed. But what did Prabhupada instruct?

Simply, I believe we should not change the dance Prabhupada gave us (a simple one anyone can jump in and and do with us) - to something entertaining but the average person can not do.

False ego makes it hard for any of us to admit when wrong, myself included. [I'm  working on it.] But there's a point where transcendental instructions should feel more pressing.

The purpose of Harinama is preaching. Not showing how clever we can dance. It's also to inspire others to want to dance and chant "with" us. I've seen that countless times 'when' the dance was kept simple

Additionally, to an onlooker the current Harinama dance would not appear like a cross-section of womanhood since every lady seems to be young and beautiful, very colorfully dressed (which is nice, but....), older women can not join in easily - if at all, what to speak of how some who are less lovely in bodily appearance may not want to stand next to such lovely ladies! How can that be Harinama than?  We do not need bells and whistles, just the holy names.

Therefore, at this point, I can't keep supporting their dance style, as it turned into being more about them and the fun they're having - less about admitting they need to make a change.  Which by the way, there is no loss by making such a change, but an increase in fun.  

UPDATE: More recently I have seen some women doing better at dancing. Not all, but some. Yet they still insist on putting arms/hands out to the side, along with something called "line dancing." Also, I saw a video of a lady teaching their dance to a nondevotee, which was sweet and kind of cute. But it is not our method of "Harinama."  
     Prabhupada never taught this; I myself have yet to see any pic of him dancing in these way, or having us dance in these way. 
     Please ladies, stop doing this. You're on your way back to what it was and should be, but sideways hand gestures, or opening palms forward at the same moment of stepping forward [choreography] - needs to go, as does "line dancing." 
     We are not to try to incorporate other cultures, or mix our past attachments, or our own desires. We are trying to follow Prabhupada's culture, or really, transcendental instructions.

Don't get me wrong - I'm actually very relaxed about what happens on Harinam. Simply, they've crossed a line. Nothing needs to be added to Harinama.

To clarify or reiterate, it's not that I disagree with what they are doing, I disagree with what they are calling it. If they merely change the name to something like "Parade" as we do for Ratha Yatra 'parades,' or to "Street Theater" which I remember LoiTaksha and his wife preforming when Srila Prabhupada was on the planet - clearly spiritual entertainment, that's fine. 

Even, I saw them do a play on a stage for him that included ballet. [I sat a few rows behind Prabhupada and could see the back of his head - yipee!]. He made a positive comment about the play. All this is perfectly fine - as spiritual entertainment. Prabhupada actually wanted a lot of theater! 

But keep the name of Harinama what it is intended for.
 "So don't spoil the movement by manufacturing ideas. Don't do that. Go on in the standard way, keep yourself pure; then movement is sure to be successful. But if you want to spoil it by whimsical, then what can be done? It will be spoiled. If you manufacture whims and disagree and fight amongst yourself, then it will be another edition of these so-called movements. It will lose the spiritual strength. Always remember it. You cannot.... Now, actually, people are surprised: "What this Hare Kṛṣṇa mantra has got power that it is changing so quickly?" And on the other hand, it is to be admitted, unless it has got power, how it is changing? So we have to keep that power. Don't make it an ordinary musical vibration. It is a different thing, spiritual. "  ~ Srila Prabhupada's Room Conversation -- April 27, 1976, Auckland, New Zealand
Srila Prabhupada:..."I never thought about the audience. I was prepared to chant even if there were no men present to hear me. The principle of chanting is to glorify the Lord and not to attract a crowd. If Krishna hears nicely then He will ask some sincere devotee to gather in such place. Therefore be advised that thousands of centers may be started if we find out a sincere soul for each & every center." (Srila Prabhupada Letter 67-11-12)

"I am so much pleased that you are carrying on the Street Sankirtana Party even though you have sometimes only one companion. This spirit is most satisfactory so please go on and you may rest assured that Krsna will always help you in any difficulty."  SPL,  October 23, 1970  


* Do not let any of this scare you away - quite the opposite! :) It's not hard to do Harinama - it's simple! No dance lessons required. lol Grab a friend and go out. One sings lead, the other follows / chorus. This may be less obvious if there's only 2 of you ha, but  so what. It's divine! You will have a blast! 

* If you're a new devotee in a female body reading this but do not yet feel comfortable wearing a saree - that's ok - just wear a long skirt or anything chaste. If you're a new devotee male bodied reading this but not comfortable wearing a dhoti - that's also ok - just wear a clean pair of pants, nice shirt. And matching socks of course. lol j/k

* What about instruments? If concerned you don't own or know how to play a mrdanga /  drum, or etc - not to worry. No instrument nor particular musical skill  is required. Have two hands? Clap them. There ya go. :) ..... OR maybe the reader does own an instrument and knows how to play but wonders if it's acceptable out on Harinama? Yes, if used for that purpose. Prabhupada said any instrument can be used as long as the focus is on the holy names.  [Google if you want the quote.] The harmonium is not a Vedic instrument, it's French! :) Yet Prabhupada was expert at it - to chant about Krishna.

Harinama's easy, give it a try.  Consider going out into your local town - or not-so-local may be preferred, or college campus, a park, anywhere it's allowedExperience the bliss for yourself!

 Please subscribe. That is, if you want to keep up with the latest postings - and I've a lot brewing in my head. :)

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Gallery of Holy Names Blissfulness

Why does anyone take to chanting Hare Krishna? And why on earth to the keep to it? I thought to answer this in photo's. Maybe I'll say a word or two, but mostly its either quotes on the pictures - or no quotes on some pictures send the message just fine. Enjoy! 

Joyous, personal discovery:

 Change your fate:

The sound vibration is easy yet not material:

Expand your consciousness!

Reach up to bliss!

Ever feel down and out, hopeless, contaminated? Simply start chanting [which includes singing] because first it instantly changes that mood and secondly:

No need to worry:

Krishna / God wants you to be happy - and chanting makes a person happy! :)

Chanting creates a real connection with God, right now.

Not everyone can travel to holy lands, but everyone can get the same results by chanting!

o you feel the mind, or tongue, or what you listen to [tv, commercials, etc] are uncontrolled? The way out - is in. Chanting of course. :)

He loves you! Therefore gives Himself to you thru sound / chanting:

Remain in a liberated state:

When we water the root of a tree instead of each leave, the various problems get resolved. That root is chanting.

Japa, bead bag, Krishna -  the name is the same. :)

There is no question of Caste, Creed, Color, Social Position:

Sing it loud! I chant and I'm proud! :)

Even a child can do it! :)
Everyone and everything benefits, moving and nonmoving-think about that one! :)

Freedom, Freeeeeedom, FREEDOM! :)

Everyone wants happiness. Chanting is how to get it.




There is no need to join any organization. Simply chant, dance, be happy! :)

CHANT and BE HAPPY: wonderful, blissful interview with George Harson. It's good to have your very own copy. Inexpensive paperback version, click here.  For the Kindle version, click here.

Related Posts:

Absorption Is Key [photo's!],

George Harrison has often enlivened many. Be Here Now.

Friendship [pics too].

Guru - how to pick, should you pick, who to pick, etc! :)
[You can have a guru and not join any organization - OR you don't have to have a guru to benefit by chanting. What you do at home is your business. Just thought to add this link in case anyone has questions.]

Monday, February 6, 2017


A week or so back, not long ago really, I made a post on facebook about devotees calling women "didi." While it was a topic I wanted to mention for quite a while, it just suddenly hit me to post a few mere sentences about it, thinking it would not even receive much attention. Was I give a surprise! lol It turned into one of the hottest discussions of the year. haha 

However, that only revealed how much misinformation is out there, or even how many have no or little information on this. While others are quoting a senior devotee even tho it was different from Prabhupada. Yet others went over to the topic of whether or not we should call women 'prabhu,' which was not the topic at all. Thus, I have decided to blog about it so maybe a few more can hear about this subject matter.

Hmmmm Actually, I will just re-post some of those posts/conversations. After all, my fb account is public for anyone to read, so IMHO that makes it ok to re-post here. But I will omit names. This topic is important for keeping the Movement unchanged! So go on a little journey with me, the one I went on at fb. :)

 My original, innocent ha or naive, status post:

Stop calling women didi. Prabhupada did not refer to us as didi. Never, not even once.

All these concoctions are changing the Movement. I know Hindus say it, we are not Hindu's, and not practicing Hinduism. Leave it as Prabhupada's Movement / his way of doing things.


Devotee: Personally I'd prefer to be in the company of people who treated each other with real love and affection ... Like brothers and sisters regarding themselves as equals in the presence of their father. Rather than of those who followed any particular external formal etiquette, but where the deep love and respect that's meant to give real meaning to such words as Mata and Prabhu is not usually so apparent. Or, putting that another way, where there's live and affection, the language may vary, but so what? And where that mood is not the primary feature, who cares how correct the language may or may not be?

Priitaa Devi Das: External does not omit internal. If it does, you're hanging out with the wrong people. :) [Added to blog: In the old days there was that mood of love, kindness, caring - while still following rules, regs, and using Vaisnava terms. It's an additional reason I want to help bring the old days - full circle to these days.]

P.S. IMHO language matters, otherwise we can speak any words and have them mean any old thing.  Education, dictionaries, they are all important. But hey, whatever you want to do is your business.

Devotee 2: Just follow Srila Prabhupada's instructions if we are part of his movement, otherwise best to start our own one.
Devotee 3 [and dev when Prabhupada was on the planet]:  I don't think any 'aspiring ' devotee can go wrong by calling any others as Prabhu.... man or woman. And yes Srila Prabhupada did not use didi or any other sex distinction appellation.

My Reply: - What a good point - that he did not use any other sex distinction. A disciple is a disciple, and we should treat each other as a disciple, not a folk member. Tho I love the folk members. Just saying, we took vows, like Catholic Priests and Nuns always change their names and always use their new spiritual name or say "Father" etc - so lets treat each other that way.

Nice Hindu lady: I don't agree with you. Pranama's.

My Reply:  Are you an initiated disciple? [Never answers.] ....So we are talking amongst initiated disciples, based on our past experiences with Prabhupada OR what we have read in his letters, etc. No sense posting disagreement, that just brings up arguments - unless you have a quote from Prabhupada, than I will hear. P.S. Just realized, of course you disagree, you are Hindu birth. And that is a most fortunate birth. But we are not speaking of Hinduism, we are speaking of Prabhupada's transcendental Krishna Consciousness and how he refereed to his female disciples and how he taught us to refer to each other.

Hindu Vaisnava [devotee] man: Didi is used frequently in other Hindu religious organizations. And maybe those followers bring that in when they join ISKCON. I have seen that where formalities are broken and taken easily, the spirit of the movement is stalled.  Because other rules and regulations are also taken lightly.

My Reply: That is interesting! I never knew it was used in other Hindu Religious Organizations, just thought it an overall Hindu word. And I have nothing against it if folks are sitting around, chit-chatting in their Native Tongue, and that is part of their normal daily language. My concern, wait, I have two, ha. One is that us Westerns are Hindu Wannabees, trying to falsely copy, and that shows up more than many westerns realize. The other, more important, is that we are trying to transcend, so in order to do that, disciples at least, must stick very close to Prabhupada's instructions.

>Because other rules and regulations are also taken lightly.< 

Ohhhh, now it makes more sense. Maybe that is what I was picking up on, why it bothered me. It felt, well, not serious. Not the higher spiritual way Prabhupada had us address each other.

Devotee 4 [and dev when Prabhupada was on the planet]: I think everyone, include other lines, should respect every temple standard. Prabhupada didn't introduce "didi" in ISKCON's temples.

Priitaa Devi Dasi: Thank you for clarifying this too, and for staying on topic. :) 

[Blog readers - I omitted previous posts on "never" calling women prabhu and only mataji - as it was based on comments of one of my godbrothers who a younger devotee views as his, and should be everyone's ha - authority. But he is only my godbrother, and I disagree. Guess I'm also omitting it cuz it irritates me, to be honest. :) Right now, I want to focus on the highest. .... Actually the discussion on 'prabhu' vs 'mataji' went on quite a long time, and some of my older godsiblings wrote nicely, BUT it was never the topic and once they cleared it up, I nipped that topic and brought it full circle to this addition of didi as a change to the movement Check back later for that aspect, as it had some good points but I can't do much now since I'm babysitting my grandchild. :) .]

The following are comments from two senior godsisters, the last joined in the earliest of the early days!

First One: 

As far as I know, Prabhupada did NOT call us Mataji. He told the men to think of us as mother, but we were all instructed to call each other Prabhu. The title Mataji was introduced much later, after Prabhupada left this world. So, although the name Mataji is nice and respectful, it is on the same evel as Didi, because Prabhupada didn't introduce it. Feedback, dear Priitaa Devi Dasi Prabhu [Will add my reply later.]

Second and most senior of senior, Godisisters: 

Yes, so true. Srila Prabhupada NEVER called any of the female devotees "Didi" and even made fun of RamaKrishna Society for doing it. But HE NEVER CALLED ANY OF HIS FEMALE DISCIPLES MATAJI EITHER!! He clearly told us to address one another as "Prabhu" both husbands as well as wives.

BECAUSE his meaning for the word "Prabhu" is different from some other people's meaning. He told us that he is the Prabhupada, and we are all the Prabhus taking shelter of him, the Prabhupada, the lotus feet where all Prabhus take shelter.

The Mataji thing came much later, when the agitated young men, esp certain sanyasins (who are no longer amongst us) wanted a way to dominate and demean the women.

Too bad they missed the point. The point of calling one another Prabhu is that it shows our eternal connection with the Prabhupada--our Srila Prabhupada.

My Reply: Bingo! Yes! :) Thank you so much Govinda Dasi . This makes sense. And I am glad to hear even the mata idea came later for that specific reason. Not because I am against being called mata, actually I prefer it. But because it shows the transcendental level Prabhupada waned us to rise to, and
how we.... errr... anyway some still try to talk their way out of it. When I joined in 73 NY, they were all ready calling women mata, so I guess I became accustomed to it. But here both you and XXX Dasi have different memories! Thank you for sharing them. Plus this is very good info on the word didi too. It really felt wrong to me. Forgive me, but it hit the pit of my stomach - that's how wrong it felt. If it's no big deal, I would think we would have heard him use it at least once. Never heard it while actively living in in Iskcon temples when Prabhupada was here. Thank you for taking the time to explain all this.


Think we're done? ha So did I. But no, there is more.

Next, some senior devotee men who I view as balanced, sane, not fanatical, posted quotes where Prabhupada instructed men to call women mataji:

    "Devotee: When you address a woman, do you...

    Prabhupada: Hm?

    Devotee: When you address a woman do you use the   word “Mataji”? Is that the right, proper word for her?

    Prabhupada: Mataji. Yes, very good. “Mother.”
                  Bhagavad-gita 4.14 - Vrndavana, August 6, 1974

     "Formerly, every woman should be addressed as “mother,” Mataji. And now they have invented “Bahinji.” No. Woman should be addressed as “mother.”   - Bhagavad-gita 4.14 - Vrndavana, August 6, 1974

NEXT, I also wish to point toward..... Prabhupada did not say for other women to call each other mata [nor didi!]. If a woman is truly old enough to be someone lady's mom and they have that relationship it may be ok, such as with the Gurukuli children who grew up around us. But that, or a woman 25 years older, is it, as far as this fallen servant can see. Not within our own age group. Once when sitting with a devotee she pointed out how Prabhupada gave us these names for a "reason." They are to remind us of Krishna, at least of spiritual life, and to create a spiritual vibration as a regular part of our lives. Why avoid using them?!

Anyhow, back to locating quotes for men to call woman as mother, I changed a bit of my opinion, well sort of. Here is my most recent post, trying to bridge it all to make sense.

My reply to a couple devotees:
I should have known or found those quotes on "Mataji" posted by ... XX and YYY, and apologize for not posting them myself. I am thankful they did the work :) and shared them here. I was a bit lost in the comments and early-day experiences of my two godsister's who said otherwise. 

Since they still have not replied to explain why, what they heard and lived, was so different from those quotes, I'm left with nothing but making an educated guess. Here goes :)

I believe both their experiences, and Prabhupada's different type of quotes, are true.

I agree with them that his initial instructions in the beginning were to call everyone Prabhu. I also agree with their reasoning (as well as yours, which was nicely expressed) why there was change/addition of mata.

Over time it became a degree...for the men (some sanyasi's and many others trying too be Brahmari) to become agitated, seeing so many females dressed in pretty saree's etc. - yet those women were trying to do the same thing they were! How confusing for some, and just plain difficult for most.

So much responsibility and even blame was put on the women of that time period. Therefore I feel my godsister's have responded so strongly. It became rather sad for women that men saw them as women more than as Vaisnavi's.

 A lot of that has calmed down over the years. Tho I suspect many my age, probably myself as well, are still affected by what happened back then. That's likely one reason for my godsister's strong comments about how men did not call women Mata until later when men became too sexually frustrated . That may be true even, but they may also be expressing a loss over the higher mood as the movement grew, got bigger, and more complex.   

 Simultaneously, there are quotes from Prabhupada that the solution to such frustration is to call all women mother. So that is there "also."  [This is not on the topic of calling women 'prabhu,' but "mataji."]

 I am just trying to build the bridge no one else will, ha, or so far.  What do you think of this conclusion of mine? Just trying to making sense of the two (godsisters early-day memories vs quotes). You may have another point.


Dear Blog readers,

I feel we have finally come to a conclusion, or at least I have. ha As the above is mine. 

 Related Poposts: 

Women and Prabhu 

Pishchima [Prabhupada's sister]