The other day I read a most beautiful experience of a senior devotee with Srila Prabhupada. It was very moving!
Simultaneously I knew his personal history and he has major issues with women, and with power. Yet after reading that, I was thinking fondly of a person I knew had such a problem! After all, his story was highly spiritual.
However, I knew that feelings, while they should be recognized as present, must also be in sync with Prabhupada's teachings. So first and foremost I took shelter of those.
To me the bottom line is:
Prabhupada showed him mercy, and showed mercy to countless devotees. He still does! It is not that this particular devotee who had a powerful experience with Srila Prabhupada is to be praised [consider his history plus twisting of scripture over decades]. The glory goes to Prabhupada for letting him be part of something special, especially at a time prior to any of his deviations and was still following correctly.
That devotee had the option of how to live his life. Sure, he's to be given credit for becoming a devotee. Simply, what level? [Rhetorical.] He chose sense gratification and covert bullying. No story can cover that over.
Moving on, what of those who do not have such issues? Or those you do not know about, one way or the other?
Anytime you get those warm fuzzy feelings over a devotee, or feel inspired by a unique experience they share - be respectful to them. Enjoy the positive. But don't ignore the negative. Please do not go extreme to put any human being on a pedestal. The glory goes to God, and to Jagat Guru.
Prabhupada cautioned us that even a mahatma can fall down. Therefore, what to speak of those of us born in kali yuga. And what to speak of others with a history of women issues coupled with conceit or abnormally huge ego's.
Yes, Prabhupada made some comments that those born during the time period he was starting the Movement had been devotees in a last life. Another quote even makes connections with devotees to Lord Caitanya! No need for such quotes cuz it diverts attention away from the point being made here, which is:
One can take many births as a devotee, but to get out of the material world, one must follow the instructions of the pure devotee / Srila Prabhupada, without twisting them, or etc to them. Plus, anyone who takes shelter of Krishna is special, with full opportunities. Such opportunities should be used wisely. As Prabhupada sometimes cautioned, "Do not take advantage."
Some readers may be surprised how many have such issues but keep it hidden, and how long it has been going on. Continues to go on. From child abuse to women, to power abuse, to men that are not very strong therefore not treated well.
IMHO, better to be safe, than wind up sorry.
Not to misunderstand. If reading a sublime story of a devotee that brings you bliss, go for it. But don't take it beyond that. Don't elevate the devotee too far. Even the best of devotees can easily get puffed up. IMHO it therefore, can be a disservice to tell them how wonderful they are.
Maybe from afar, offer respects to someone with a great spiritual narrative.
If you know they have problems, consider offering up a short prayer that they will awaken to what is truthfully right and truthfully wrong - followed by them acting on it properly. Then let go, let God.
Better yet, if you know of anything questionable in their personal character, avoid their association and leave them alone. Save and protect yourself, taking shelter of Srila Prabhupada. He will never mislead, or trick, or cheat you.
Pishima, Prabhupada's sister - As temple commander.
Dr. Mishra's Ashrama - My experience as a teenager when visiting.
"Shyma!" - The song: It all began from a dream!
"...years ago my husbands old friend who actually stopped living as a devotee, returned. He is now very fixed-up. However, what did he tell my husband? That he was shocked the Movement was so drastically different [negatively], in comparison to when he lived on the inside, before." Continued: A Fun Spiritual Place - Your Home