
Monday, November 15, 2021

Be Careful

The other day I read a most beautiful experience of a senior devotee with Srila Prabhupada. It was very moving! 

Simultaneously I knew his personal history and he has major issues with women, and with power. Yet after reading that, I was thinking fondly of a person I knew had such a problem! After all, his story was highly spiritual.

However, I knew that feelings, while they should be recognized as present, must also be in sync with Prabhupada's teachings. So first and foremost I took shelter of those.

To me the bottom line is:

Prabhupada showed him mercy, and showed mercy to countless devotees. He still does! It is not that this particular devotee who had a powerful experience with Srila Prabhupada is to be praised [consider his history plus twisting of scripture over decades]. The glory goes to Prabhupada for letting him be part of something special, especially at a time prior to any of his deviations and was still following correctly.

That devotee had the option of how to live his life. Sure, he's to be given credit for becoming a devotee. Simply, what level? [Rhetorical.] He chose sense gratification and covert bullying. No story can cover that over.

Moving on, what of those who do not have such issues? Or those you do not know about, one way or the other? 

Anytime you get those warm fuzzy feelings over a devotee, or feel inspired by a unique experience they share - be respectful to them.  Enjoy the positive. But don't ignore the negative. Please do not go extreme to put any human being on a pedestal. The glory goes to God, and to Jagat Guru

Prabhupada cautioned us that even a mahatma can fall down. Therefore, what to speak of those of us born in kali yuga. And what to speak of others with a history of women issues coupled with conceit or abnormally huge ego's. 

Yes, Prabhupada made some comments that those born during the time period he was starting the Movement had been devotees in a last life. Another quote even makes connections with devotees to Lord Caitanya! No need for such quotes cuz it diverts attention away from the point being made here, which is: 

     One can take many births as a devotee, but to get out of the material world, one must follow the instructions of the pure devotee / Srila Prabhupada, without twisting them, or etc to them. Plus, anyone who takes shelter of Krishna is special, with full opportunities. Such opportunities should be used wisely. As Prabhupada sometimes cautioned, "Do not take advantage."

Some readers may be surprised how many have such issues but keep it hidden, and how long it has been going on. Continues to go on. From child abuse to women, to power abuse, to men that are not very strong therefore not treated well.

IMHO, better to be safe, than wind up sorry. 

Not to misunderstand. If reading a sublime story of a devotee that brings you bliss, go for it. But don't take it beyond that. Don't elevate the devotee too far. Even the best of devotees can easily get puffed up. IMHO it therefore, can be a disservice to tell them how wonderful they are. 

Maybe from afar, offer respects to someone with a great spiritual narrative. 

If you know they have problems, consider offering up a short prayer that they will awaken to what is truthfully right and truthfully wrong - followed by them acting on it properly. Then let go, let God.

Better yet, if you know of anything questionable in their personal character, avoid their association and leave them alone. Save and protect yourself, taking shelter of Srila Prabhupada. He will never mislead, or trick, or cheat you.


Pishima, Prabhupada's sister - As temple commander.

Dr. Mishra's Ashrama - My experience as a teenager when visiting.

"Shyma!" - The song: It all began from a dream!

"...years ago my husbands old friend who actually stopped living as a devotee, returned. He is now very fixed-up. However, what did he tell my husband? That he was shocked the Movement was so drastically different [negatively], in comparison to when he lived on the inside, before."  Continued: A Fun Spiritual Place - Your Home

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Lift Your Spirits Now!

Get Your Sadhana Back - Now!
            (Saddhana means spiritual practice.)

Many devotees are going through hard times lately. While the Pandemic is not helping, it's not the only issue. I thought to share something that may give hope plus help to others. If you're not a devotee, it may do that for you anyway. :)

I had an unexpected, wonderful spiritual experience the other night that was so lovely - it's hard to hold it inside. 

Krishna was kind and gave me some bliss! It felt soooo good, and a bit mystical. No, not visions ha, but feelings some may get at the temple. I am not special, anyone can have this or their own spiritual experience!

Initially I was unsure if this should be shared. Part of my inner self thought it may be meant for me only, therefore to keep it private. However, the bigger part came from Prabhupada's teachings where we are suppose to share / preach / encourage Krishna C with anyone who wants it. And that is actually what it is all about - telling only those who want to hear in an open and positive frame of mind. If this is not you, please stop reading, and click this page off, now.

Some are in bliss with their spiritual life and that's great. Others have had a taste of bliss but it got left behind due to bad experiences interfering, which can include a large range of issues. Then there are those in grey area's. I suppose I am someone in a grey area.

You can lift your spirits! Some may be wondering "how," if already feeling very down. While I don't have the answer for everyone, what I can do is share an experience of mine which may in turn, open a door or window for someone else out there. It's worth checking out. 

Incidentally, one does not have to be feeling bad or sad, because anybody can benefit from doing this. Including those who are happy. :) 

Of course if a reader is feeling sad etc, they tend to give up, so it should be known what's about to be shared, can genuinely help.

Where do I start without complaining too much of my own stuff. ha Please know that we all have some. It's kali yuga/age, therefore no one need to feel singled out. You are not alone, as in this age, life is hard, what to speak of peaceful life, what to speak of spiritual life! Yet, there is a way.

Taking my own advice :) every night I do a small arotika. If you don't know how, I will give basic info, plus links for more detailed info. However, please only do as much as you can peacefully maintain.

I had to start that day - though every day - taking care of family stuff, house cleaning, and dealing with my own health. Mundane but responsibilities. Then there's the fact that the Movement changed so drastically that it even effected my husband, children, grandchildren, self. Not what I signed up for when becoming a devotee. Yet, not what I wish to get into with this post. Whatever our reasons, we all need to keep on going, one way, or another way. :) I had to find a way!

Stepping into my little temple room at night, cracking open the door after knocking on it to enter the Lords house, darkness hit me in the face! 
Why was it so dark? 

Then I saw. A light-bulb blew out. Oh great. Now what was I to do? I could stand on a chair to change it, but not at the end of the day after working and tired. Too risky to fall.

It hit me. Why not do arotika in the dark, like we do for Mongala [morning worship]? For a few seconds this brought back thoughts and feelings of what it was like to be present in those early morning [4:30] arotika's - and it felt great!

Didn't know how it would play out at home since I had to set up a few items which required light to see. Yet there was one lamp shining onto the altar = some light in the room as well. So, not totally dark. Just the correct amount. :)
If you are overwhelmed with life issues to the point where it's hard to do an arotika - resolving that is part of what this post is about. 

Please know: this is also when it's the best time to do something small and simple, rather than elaborate or perfectionism.

That equally applies to those who are exceptionally busy, or may be feeling too sick to do much. Let us not forget those who are getting up there in age, wondering why they can't do the sadhana they use to even when they try. Here is something they most likely can do!

You do not have to be a brahmana to do this, no need to be initiated, and no need to join any organization. Just go with your heart and some basic tips:

[Since the following will include small fire, keep water nearby, stay away from curtains etc, and be careful.]
I entered - singing Hare Krishna. After an easy  gathering of items, I picked up a sweet-scented incense stick imported from India. Lighting it, did a simple offering by circling it gently around the Lord, for Him to smell. After that, into the incense holder it went. This lovely smoke wafted about, making the entire atmosphere fragrantly wonderful! 

Next, I picked up a taper candle. After lighting, made slow or gentle circular motions offering to each deity/murti or picture. [I have both; whatever you have is fine]. Ambient light of the candle flickered brightly around the Lords form - lighting up a large portion of the room.

While I have done all of this before, I never did it at home in a softly lit room! A little mesmerizing.

Wondering why darkness felt helpful when I was under the impression that it was something to avoid; next remembering, as touched on above, that in the temples we do Mongala Arotika / worship before sunrise. Sure, Mongala is a better time, but any time to worship is good.

It appears to be about the ratio. To have a room dimmed a certain "amount," seems to shut out the three guna's/material modes, when focusing on Krishna. Kind of like closing your eyes. Did you know when eyes are shut, one can automatically be put in an Alpha State by "up to" 80%? Though not recommended [nor possible] when doing an offering. Thus, we dim the lights in the room - leaving on the lamps on or near the altar. 

Additionally, there just may be more ions in the night air. And in that, or the above, there is always some light. From evening stars to that which you see with closed eyes. 

All are food for thought.

These sciences are there. They originate from God, the Supreme Scientist. Not the other way around. I mention this because some misunderstand that if they find a scientific reason for something it therefore removes God from the equation. That's backwards. If God is the Creator, there is no reason He could not create science. We humans are merely figuring out some of what He made. Thus, it's a Gift from Him - to get us to Him

Anyway, I am thinking of buying Black-Out curtains for a daytime option, but not sure. I like sunlight arotika's too. Of course! :) 

Next, my singing continued. Since I was able to relax more, different tunes were easier to find. I am someone who needs a variety of tunes. [Not talking of what should be sung in official temple rooms, just at home.] Though I can and do sing some, they don't usually come to me easily. But this time they did! A few variants on the all ready different tune I had started singing, came out of my mouth.

Arotika over. A half hour later, I was still feeling blissful! Believe it would have lasted longer if I did not have some mundane duties. :) 

You can also experience this bliss after an artoka! THIS is what spiritual life should be like, not all the nonsense that has been going on. Prabhupada told us to turn our homes into Vaikuntha. While mine has a long way to go, we start with the temple room, and let it spread out from there. :) [You don't have to have an entire room. A table or shelf in a special area will work.]

Anyone can do this. What follows are a few details.

NOTE: I all ready have numerous paraphernalia for worship, but other folks may not, so what follows are some easy, variegated, ideas.

Cleanliness: I'm not going to add a lot about that here simply because it is all ready in the links I've posted below. Please wash hands etc before doing sadhana, and please keep the Lords items clean. Don't throw anything into the dirty trash. Create a "sacred throw-out" or container to gather it where you can later bring it somewhere to dispose of, tho often not practical so find a way that works for you. Maybe burn it, or if eatable then distribute to the local squirrels etc. Sprinkle around your favorite tree. Dig a hole and/ or create an interesting, artistic mound in your backyard, decorate it too. Think up some of your own. I've done my best to keep clean-up down to a minimum so those having a hard time will be able to follow through.

Ghee wicks: These are great, but require ability to make, time to clean the brass holder, and make or buy ghee. For simplicity - tall bees wax candles. I'll put their link below, but any candle will do. It does not have to be beeswax, tho I prefer those. However, in my past I could not get them, and that is when I used a regular candle. It's far more important to worship then to get persnickety about candles. And I suspect most temples use regular ones during Damodarastakm. Incidentally, while I am fine holding and offering these tall candles, they do drip a bit of wax, therefore the reader may wish to buy or make a candle holder. [If making, can do similar to those for incense, described below.]

If you've felt you're not a good fit at a temple, community, or in some places feel rejected -  offering a candle flame brings a billowy mellow that, "at the speed of light" :), creates atmosphere in the area it is burning. You feel warm and welcomed, peaceful, thus easier to connect to God/Krishna. And even if you have felt accepted, etc etc, this is just blissful to do!  Illumination of the candle flame aids with a meditative state, thus meditating on the deity or pic to Whom you are offering. It's nectar!

Essential Oils: These are something I all ready have in the little temple room and only for Them, but if you don't, they're not a requirement. With that said, I simply put some on the wick and on the candle itself. This takes less then one minute. The idea is to keep everything short and sweet so it can not only be done, but be maintained.

Incense: Do you love using it, but fried on a simple way to clean up the ashes easily? Well, if you have nothing else, and don't have much money, can use cooking Foil and shape it like a hat with a rim. The incense stick would go in the ball or top of the hat [poke a hole 1st & test that it stays]. The rim will catch most ashes. This can be rinsed then thrown out after, with little mess. Wipe floor with wet paper towel or baby wipes.  ....The next biggest tip on cleanup? Once done, stop thinking about it. On all levels.

Another way to make an incense holder is to use clay. This is preferred over foil, tho either will do. Since one purpose of this blog post is not only simplicity but maintenance, PlayDoh works! Oh how odd that may initially sound, yet think about it. PlayDoh is made so a child can eat it, because they are inclined to. That means legally, it has to have high cleanliness standards! It's inexpensive, about 50 cents a can, & can make several holders. Simplest way is to roll a ball the incense can easily stick into when the time is right; or any shape you wish. Just flatten the bottom so it can sit on a table or area you are placing offering items.

UPDATE: Yet another way to make one. Shape foil in your hand like a tube, close one end, or use a new glass holder you don't mind washing regularly. Fill with rice, or with salt, or ivory flakes, sand, etc. I almost wish I placed this idea first because it is so inexpensive, easier to clean up [just toss the rice to the birds, or salt in the garden - not in the dirty trash]. It's also very practical and simple. Remember, this can also work for candles. 

Singing: Even before the arotika, I decided to sing during the SetUp. That is, singing while staying relaxed. No nervousness, no worrying if you're doing it right. Such things have all ready been decided, so let go, relax and sing! :)

The set-up did not take long, but even if it did, I would sing because it is so joyful to sing the Lords names! If you want bliss, you need to engage those vocal cords He gave ya. :) This is not about how good or bad you sound. He does not care. This is about devotional service. He makes it fun; let us not make it the opposite. Enjoy your singing of Hare Krishna no matter how you sound! Get into it!

Matches: This should be simple. Yet, can create confusion. Most will think: "But they are easy to light." Yes. Let me explain. First for the candle, then for the incense - keeping offering items in the right hand. Hard to strike a match with the left. 

Solution: Seek and ye shall find. :) Take out another candle and set it on something for easy maintenance and clean up. [Can use aluminum foil if you want.] This candle is never offered - it's used for lighting the items. [Sometimes the rim of this candle may need to be snipped back in order to light the wick, because over time the middle melts down, leaving wax walls. It's easy to do.]  And it's  something pretty to have in the room. Light this candle first, next the incense from it, later the offering candle from this one. At end of arotika, only this candle is snuffed out - with a snuffer, or a cone shaped piece of foil with a long foil handle. Be creative, be safe.

Environment: From curtains, to getting away from bad [or questionable] association, to adding inspiring items like essential oils. Yours may be different. Simply find what gets you cooking, what makes you feel good, what lifts your spirits. Create the environment or atmosphere that assists you in these ways.

In a time when "The Secret" or "Feel Good To Heal" have come to the forefront, at the very least we can't ignore such benefits arotika can add. Elevating oxytocin, endorphins, dopamine, serotonin - IMHO adding such exciting, blissful life may assist in such ways.  While this is not a post about physical or mental healing, as I have another page on that, simply, healing is something to consider. I remember a woman who joined years ago who, shall we say, was not very pretty. After a while of practicing Krishna Consciousness, a friend pointed out to me how she is changing! Her skin was nicer, her face softer, she is prettier! We are not this body and should not focus on that. Just saying, Krishna / God and his process - when we follow  Srila Prabhupada - it's very potent!  

Some readers will be quick to point out we are not in this for healing. I agree. It is simply an automatic side-benefit. The goal is to develop love of God. Whatever supports your Krishna Consciousness and is doable for you as an individual, take action. Otherwise it likely is just an exercise in reading. It doesn't have to be hard, nor complex. Find what you can enjoy and maintain. 

Joyful options: Maybe grow some flowers, or locate the highest quality incense, or buy a colorful altar cloth, or spend time molding the incense holder of your choice, etc. Just stay relaxed, gently focused, allowing happiness and satisfaction to enter.

In this way most can take out a short time to worship. Do not let time issues block you, fearing it takes too long, or you don't have enough. I was going through some of that too. And the "I'm not qualified, not good enough, etc." Maya's tricks to keep us from doing anything! Therefore, if you can only do a ten, heck even five minute arotika - then DO a five minute arotika. 

Be "present" in it. Give up worry, guilt, tension, negativity of any sort - and allow yourself to relish what you are doing in these Krishna Consciousness moments. Tell the mind that wanders, or worries, to shut up. lol And just be here, now. :)

Summarized: Optional: dim the lights. Next sing, offer incense, then offer candlelight; chant and be happy. 

Get into it! It's so simple some may not want to believe it. But this is spiritual, therefore it works when you do. :) Desire and heart = everything.

Remember: There is no need to join any group or organization in order to practice Krishna Consciousness. Srila Prabhupada's Movement is not physical, thus it is in the heart of anyone who wants to practice it, even in their own homes. <3

And...please save to your FAVORITES. :)

            RELATED and HELPFUL LINKS:

BeesWax Taper Candles - These are the ones I use. They are less expensive than the link directly below, but sometimes amazon is out of them. ....You will need to make or buy some type of holder because  they drip.   

Bees Wax Taper Candles
Don't let that bee on it fool you, it's not real, but looks it. Adorable! If you want to cut the candle in half you will have twice as many. [Snip away wax around 1 wick.] Make or buy some type of holder.

How To Create Your Home Altar: This is only if you wish to do more, to tweak things, as are all the rest which follow. Never feel that if you can't do this or the others, that you should quit. No! Doing only what is posted above on this page is fine.

How To Use Your Home Altar - As touched on via the link above, only take on what you can maintain, and allow yourself to feel good about. With that said, some may want this too.

Life and Music: Using sound vibration of music to lift spirits.

Walking and Singing: "Last night I had a wonderful experience..."

Blissful Sadhana - Fun spiritual arts and crafts. Also: how to make an Incense Holder out of clay.

Absorption is Key - and it's bliss too! 

Gallery of Holy Names - Why does anyone take to chanting Hare Krishna? 

Ecstatic Bliss - nectar memory of one of the first disciples.

Since subscribing via email is no longer an option please save to your FAVORITES. :) And come back for more updates, or to read a helpful, &/or inspirational post. When kept in your favorites, they are easier to access quickly. Thanks!

ALL DISCLAIMERS APPLY. I should not even have to say that, but ya never know who needs to hear it. :) 

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Tired Of Abuse?


The following may be disturbing for some. If you want bliss, there are many such links to the sidebar of this blog, or beneath. Most of my posts are based in bliss. If you are sensitive, stop reading.

Whereas, if you'd like ideas regarding how to put an end to child molestation, misogyny, abuse of men, elder abuse, etc - - ideas to protect yourself, family, friends - - keep reading.

This post is aimed toward anyone under 55 years of age, for the simple fact that it requires some physical energy.

First, let us touch on the problem. Scroll if you want to go directly to the solution for any abuse.

As I type, the current issue is Lokanatha Swami. However, if it's not him, it's someone else. That's a part of our history which never gets corrected. There is a long laundry list. It is not my purpose to focus on them - only to bring awareness that these sad activities are real.

My goal? How to protect your child, self, spouse, friend, and spiritual life. 

Yes, it needs to be recognized that even spiritual life is effected if these problems continue to be ignored or minimized. Then it may eventually boomerang back to your family if left unchecked. Healthy thinking and physical brain patterns can change, plus more, if wrong philosophies are made acceptable. It may not initially be noticeable to individuals because these others are expert at what they do.

Something I've noticed as a constant over decades, is that regardless of who is the abuser or molester, when there's a cover up, it involves some of the most outrageous philosophies: "It's cultural - Westerns would not understand [neither would Prabhupada!], or "The offender was naive and didn't know any better," or "It happened accidentally [repeatedly!]," or "It's not a big  deal," or "The child wanted it," etc.

Do not fall for it, regardless who speaks. Regardless of the tone of voice, which can be alluring. [Again, they are expert.] Let us not take spiritual advice from anyone who ignores or minimizes abuse or molestation. When common sense goes out the window, trouble walks in the door.

Some believe it's their duty to stick up for an authority who fell-down if it is their guru. That is a huge misunderstanding of our philosophy. Show me any place in Prabhupada's books that says to support a fallen guru, as guru. It is not there.

The person you are responsible to is Srila Prabhupada. Don't make his Movement a social embarrassment. If you think the nondevotees don't know - they know! Who will join [or remain] if you do not prove our morals. The minute someone in a position of power strays, followers who care for Prabhupada at all, will not water down issues due to wrongly placed loyalties. If you're initiated by someone who fell down - take shelter of Prabhupada. Don't try to minimize seriously wrong actions as if they're not so bad. That's not helping anyone, but it is an offense to Srila Prabhupada. 

What startled me was the sentimentality some employed, resulting in curses and death threats. That revealed how little of Prabhupada's teachings are known. Some believe if a lot of service & chanting has been or continues to be preformed, it's acceptable to commit sin. This is not true - please read the 7th of the Ten  Offenses. 

Others naively stick up for that which is wrong as if it were loyalty, when it's actually revealing unawareness of Prabhupada's highest philosophy. Disciples are supposed to read Prabhupada's [unchanged] books daily. Especially his personal letters as well as his conversations, which help gain a deep comprehension of what he wanted. With all the adult tantrums currently being thrown, it does not sound like some are doing that. 

Evidence that some do not know the philosophy is the claim of a guru being God incarnate. Tamala Krsna M asked Prabhupada if he/Prabhupada was God? Prabhupada jeeringly replied that when he died then Tamala can become God too. There's another example from 1969. Newspaper reporters saw so many young devotees bowing to Indian Swami [Prabhupada]. Noticing their observance, Srila Prabhupada told them that the spiritual master is to be worshiped as God. Next he said, "But, if the spiritual master thinks that he is God, then he is dog." Disciples should be careful of what they say. And please study. Don't stop in the middle of a conversation or quote. Read all of it in it's entirety.

Now others were more calm, may be chanting their rounds, attending Morning & Evening Programs, doing service. But if blindly following in the name of loyalty, one can't help to wonder if they, or anyone doing that, are taking time out of each day to 'study' his writings deeply.  After all, daily personal reading [not only class] was an instruction of his, and it will help us pan out what is sentimentality and what is proper following.

"Religion without philosophy is sentiment, or sometimes fanaticism, while philosophy without religion is mental speculation." BG 3.3, P

Additionally, is it always about defending your guru, or is it about yourself? Too uncomfortable to admit it's level of seriousness? Hard to accept you worshiped the wrong person for years? Difficult to renounce attachment to him?  ...Ego plays a big role here. Be honest, do inner work, and keep the false ego in check. 

We do not have to surrender to something that is out-of-sync with Prabhupada. If an authority tells you something strange is in line with Prabhupada and you feel that's off, go check it out.
Any authority worth their salt will have no problem with their instruction being checked against Prabhupada's. 

Whereas, if they are trying to twist Prabhupada's words in an attempt to merge them with their own odd or stinking-thinking, well, they should not be in a position of power in the first place.

There is a popular misunderstanding that the GBC must be surrendered to all the time, no matter what they instruct. However, Prabhupada did not put them on such an absolute platform. They must be able to do what Prabhupada set up as their service. If they can't, we are not to follow them.
When they sound less spiritual and more often like bureaucrats, our reading of their yearly by-laws may no longer be important. Read them if you wish, simply, reading Prabhupada's instructions are far more important. 

This is not against the GBC principle. Srila Prabhupada instructed that we should have a GBC. However, he also said they must be qualified. No blind following pleaseeeeeeee.

"But the difficulty is that our GBC men are falling victim to maya. Today I trust this GBC and tomorrow he will fall down." Srila Prabhupada Letter to Jayatirtha -- Bombay 16 December, 1974  

"What will happen when I am not here, shall everything be spoiled by GBC?” - Srila Prabhupada Letter, April 11th, 1972

“GBC does not mean to control a center. GBC means to see that the activities of a center go on nicely. I do not know why Tamal is exercising his absolute authority. That is not the business of GBC. The president, treasurer, and secretary are responsible for managing the center. GBC is to see that things are going nicely but not to exert absolute authority. That is not in the power of GBC. Tamal should not do like that. The GBC men cannot impose anything on the men of a center without consulting all of the GBC members first. A GBC member cannot go beyond the jurisdiction of his power.” — Srila Prabhupada Letter to Giriräj, 8-12-71

“Now has the GBC become more than Guru Maharaja? As if simply GBC is meant for looking after pounds, shilling, pence.”  Srila Prabhupada Letter, November 10th, 1975

"Therefore we have created these GBC. So they should be very responsible men. Otherwise, they will be punished. They will be punished to become a śūdra. Although Yamarāja is a GBC, but he made a little mistake. He was punished to become a śūdra. So those who are GBC's, they should be very, very careful to administer the business of ISKCON. Otherwise they will be punished. As the post is very great, similarly, the punishment is also very great. That is the difficulty. You can see from this example, Vidura. He was immediately punished. He did little mistake..." - Srila Prabhupada - on SB 1.13.15 -- Geneva, June 4, 1974

I am not anti-GBC. I am anti-doing-it-wrong. And anyone who is truthfully pro-GBC will also be against them doing it wrong so the GBC will not incur the above mentioned karma. Yes, I give a hoot about my godbrothers. 

Moving on .... Does the mere thought of someone inappropriately touching your child, grand child, or friends child - upset you? Good! If not - I can't help you; please see a therapist.

For those who find it disturbing, it's time to bring it to an end. How? You can't be lethargic. Lethargy helps problems grow, even if they are not [yet] effecting you or your family. They will. Maybe one way, or another unforeseen, unexpected way - but they will. Our history has proven this, repeatedly. 

There are things you can do. First, be cautious. Do not blindly trust in someone just because they attend the same church/ temple, or are in a position of authority. 

Remember, anyone can join. And that's good. However, they must be willing to undergo training. And take to it. Decades back, authorities made sure they took to it. But not so much anymore. If they do not accept the process cent per cent, they may be dragging with them luggage from their past. How can you know? You can't. That's why there must not be blind trust, or because everyone else trusts so-and-so, therefore you should too. No. Investigate, courteously.

It may require time to see the areas some have not purified out of themselves. In Krishna Consciousness, like when making ghee, impurities rise to the top. A person gets to make the choice to get rid of them, or keep them. Not everyone may notice this is going on, as it's their internal battle. 

And yes, this can include authorities. I'm not bad mouthing. I've seen it, over and Over and OVER. We wish all such persons well - simply - do not follow them on mere faith, or because others are doing it thus devotee peer pressure. Authorities should always be willing to have their words or instructions checked against Prabhupada's.
Next, do not send your children away NOR allow overnights. And check out their teacher, including when they're not trying to impress you but during a normal school day. [Many teachers are innocent, so do it politely.]  

Considering all that has happened for decades, Day Gurukula trumps ashrama. I have often been told, & heard, "Prabhupada wanted all the children to go to Gurukula." Yes, he did. This was the instruction! What to do? So I thought. Duh it hit me. :) We never had a real Gurukula to start with! 

Authorities, let us know when you actually create such a safe, loving, sane, healthy, etc, ashrama that is free from abuse and kindly promotes love of  Krishna. Because so far, too many of them were either hot-spots pedophiles went to find their next victims, or places narcissistic religious fanatics/bullies gravitated toward so they could find children to release their desire to beat or to brainwash. None of that is Gurukula! Stop stealing Prabhupada's name for such bogus schools, do punish those who deserve it. And until authorities create a truthfully safe overnight school - Daytime Gurukula is the way to go. 

Why wait for them to do what they have not been able to do for decades? Anyone can start their own. Begin learning how to home school and simply Krishnaize it. It's often much better, and safer, when loving parents start a little home-school with a few kind friends. Learn how, but do it.
If you discover factual abuse or molestation - do not - I repeat, do NOT go to the temple authorities! Do call the real, legitimate police or social services and make a "legal" report/arrest!  ISKCON is not good at policing itself, so let that be done by the current yuga kstriya's - law enforcement. 

Some feel there is an advantage when reporting to both the karmi law and our authorities. I'm mixed on this because often Iskcon authorities tell you they will take care of it, but do not. That can an even make it worse. However, if you still want to report to both, FIRST call the nondevotee police! IMHO this can not be stressed enough. Go to the legal, nondevotees first and foremost! 

UPDATE: It is saddening that this must be added, but just read that in some countries or places, people are afraid for their life if they report any type of abuse to the police. And in some cases, even to temple authorities. This is shocking! Prabhupada would be so displeased! But what can I say? Most import: BE SAFE! Do not do anything that would harm you or your child or any victim. [Which includes not shaking things up - stay under the radar even if you do something. And google safest ways to do it.] Maybe you need to move in order to get away from an abuser. Maybe something else. Please try to figure it out because I do not know much that can be done if you can not report to anyone! Though I do have one more major idea. That is explained below, under "WHAT CAN YOU DO?" It still may require relocating, but it may not. You will figure it out in accordance to your personal situation. Anyway, it's what Prabhupada wanted, and a new start for those who need or want one! A safe place for everyone.

If this post bothers your mind, making you wonder if you should protect ISKCON "by" covering up serious offenses, stop and consider:

It is not your job to protect ISKCON, it is ISKCON'S job to do that. If they do nothing wrong, or if they themselves arrest the sinners, then they are properly protecting iskcon. Your job is to protect your child! Which in turn will protect the spiritual life of your child, if that is one of your worries.

Prabhupada: “Child-worship is more important than deity-worship. If you cannot spend time with him, then stop the duties of pujari. At least you must take good care of your son until he is four years old, and if after that time you are unable any more to take care of him then I shall take care. These children are given to us by Krishna, they are Vaishnavas and we must be very careful to protect them. These are not ordinary children, they are Vaikuntha children, and we are very fortunate we can give them chance to advance further in Krishna Consciousness. That is very great responsibility, do not neglect it or be confused.” - Prabhupada Letter to Arundhati dasa, July 30, 1972

Stop doing ISKCON's job for ISKCON. Start protecting children, the little Vaisnava's and Vaisnavi's who Prabhupada said waited in line to take birth in this Movement.

When there is a CPO [Child Protection Office] that the GBC has power to block or over-rule, and has done so, we need to turn first and foremost to the law. These children deserve genuine protection and "that" is our duty - to protect "them." [See Update on this page.]

“It is very good news that Vishnu-arati is advancing nicely in Krishna Consciousness and I know that you and your husband will always do your best to bring her up on the right path of Krishna Consciousness. To raise one soul to Krishna Consciousness is counted by Krishna as a very great service, so you do this duty very carefully and Krishna will certainly bestow His blessings upon you.” - Srila Prabhupada Letter, 2/11/69

Sorry, but I feel iskcon authorities try to convince us to feel guilt if we are not helping them lift their load via responsibility to protect iskcon, when there are quotes from Prabhupada that instruct our big responsibility is to our children:

“Now you husband and wife must work together combinedly with great responsibility for raising your new child in ideal Krishna consciousness. Children learn by imitation of their, so if you both set Krishna conscious example the child will very naturally and easily become advanced in Krishna consciousness by following.” - S.P. Letter to Jagadisha dasa, July 9, 1970 

It is not setting a good example to help brush sins/abuse under the carpet; but it is a good example to report it to the police, to (legal) Child Protective Services, and so on. Anyone who doubts this as a good example and right thing to do, can ask a Gurukuli who went thru it - some who even left because they had no support, no therapy, no belief, no help.
I wish I had the legal solution for each country. Sadly I can only speak for America, as we have decent laws against child abuse. But they only work if it is reported! [Please remember the UPDATE, above.]

Canada and Europe may have similar laws.

Countries that are not sufficiently strict may have hidden laws that, if discovered, could be very helpful. Please use them, and if you uncover any secrets to help arrest a pedophile in other countries, let it be known!

However as the update now points out, always do it by keeping your child, self, victims - safe first and foremost! Learn "how" before doing.

Some have pointed out that in certain cases a female child was not dressed modestly [wore shorts], and/or was starting to turn into a young woman even though her age was young. 

These Gurukuli's have been thru so much I could care less what they wear. It does not reveal their consciousness and attachment to Krishna. Besides, a girl wearing shorts in her own home where she can relax and let down - that's considered a safe place to do so. [We wore only slips & choli's in the brahmacarini ashrama. I was told, at that time in India the women took off their saree when the men went to work and also only wore slip/choli].

No one should think that because they disapprove of ones attire, that person is not good enough, so they may as well exploit them. That's merely an excuse to take advantage, coupled with arrogance of believing ones self as superior. What superior person - exploits? [Rhetorical.] If you can't help someone, walk away.

Besides, I have seen fully saree-clad 8 year old little girls in the temple room, innocently wander over to the men side, when next the parents were told she is agitating the men, to bring her back to the women side. What nonsense! 

If someone can not control themselves while in a house with a girl child, first they need to leave. Next, they need to either get therapy, go back into the ashram for more training on how to absorb themselves 24/7 in thoughts of Krishna - possibly both. For someone to blame the victim for their own sexual weakness is an offense. 

Then there is going out on Sankirtana or preaching at Festivals. How can we help the public accept Krishna if seeing scantily clad women is so disturbing that some think it makes it ok to exploit her instead of save her. There are girls and women everywhere. If some men can't handle it and feel the need to take advantage, let them go to the forest as Prabhupada said to Tamala Krsna M. 

Another excuse, in this case, is that we are bigoted against a dark bodied person. This startled me. Anyone who knows our philosophy, knows the very basic ABC's are: Aham Brahmasmi or I am not this body, I am spirit soul. If someone does not believe this, does not live it, then they do not understand Prabhupada's teachings. In which case, they should not be getting involved. Bonafide initiated disciples don't care what color someone is, therefore those making such accusations should start doing the same. We only care about right treatment and that requires keeping the eyes truthfully open. 

It has been said complaints about such abuses from us former mlecca's and still Westerners, are an attempt to impose liberal ideals onto India. However, Srila Prabhupada himself cried when he found out about Gurukula abuse! While I am not happy to have taken birth as mlecca I find it far more offensive to minimize the sin of child molestation! No one should be chest-thumping they are automated higher birth if they hold fast to the belief that child molestation is not a serious offense. 

The day sexual molestation of anyone but especially a child, becomes minimized as so-called liberal idealism, reduced to no big deal, or acceptable as cultural  - is the day the purity of Srila Prabhupada's teachings go down the drain. Or it's the day recognition of that which was kept in hiding is brought to light - thus revealing contamination of our society, Prabhupada's Movement.  

Let us remember, we are not practicing Hinduism.  We are practicing, or working toward, transcendental consciousness of Krishna. 

"And that Mataji, she has taken land. I don't like that idea. Some Hindus are supporting. I don't want a Hindu temple. Our constitution is different. We want everyone. Kṛṣṇa consciousness is for everyone. It is not a Hindu propaganda." Srila Prabhuada Meeting with Devotees -- June 9, 1969, New Vrindaban, USA.

Further details, quotes, and clarification that what Prabhupada teaches is not Hinduism, can be found in the link below this post.

The many angles of excusism used to justify abuse are endless. For each one defeated, some can concoct a new one. I'm not going to go into each one forever. Let truth seekers find truth. Blind followers will have to remain blind 'until' they choose to awaken. 

Therefore, don't write me with any other perspectives you think I should consider. This is not up for debate. Child molestation is a crime, a sin, vaisnava-aparadha, maya nonsense, breaks the 4 regulative principles, and more. Any other opinion is not open for discussion. If you truthfully care about ISKCON, the person hurt, or even the offender - you will support the suggested right actions. 

Small precaution: Make sure it is really going on. There are times when it's not true. But in our society we see it is usually true. Especially after a child was sent away, or around many strangers, etc. Collect evidence! While it is rare for anyone to personally see sexual crimes, even the law [in USA] allows circumstantial evidence, takes it seriously, especially when there is a lot of such evidence. 

I've seen enough Gurukuli's messed up [even commit suicide!] because people want to sit around in Ivory Towers talking about all the perspectives. It's time to DO something.


In addition to the above, IMHO one extremely important step to take in order to genuinely put a stop to pedophiles and misogynists: OPEN YOUR OWN TEMPLE. How on earth does that help?

Simple. If independent temples are opened, and kept small, there is less chance of cruelty or exploitation. Then if abuse happens, there is also less likely to be tolerance of such crimes. Instead, it's more natural for parents etc to call the police or karmi Child Protection Services, and have an arrest made. [Remember, do it safely and with know-how.] Not all this mubo jumbo excusisim in the name of God. Poor Krishna, blaming everything on Him. sigh

I realize that many devotees these days do not seem to want to open a temple. I also do not understand this, finding it bizarre, since my generation loved to do that. Wishing I knew the right motivation or words to assist readers in getting serious enough to get up off their chair after reading this post, phone a few like-minded devotee friends, and start the opening of a small, sane, loving temple. [Hint, hint! :-) ] All I can do is try to write this blog post, and hope some idea's will tickle your fancy enough to get you moving.

Some point out there are no new temples opening because devotees argue, or they can't get everyone on the same page. I had to consider this. After some honest thought, here is my personal conclusion:

So what? Simply do what you know how to do to open one, then purification will come automatically while living it when properly following. Over time this will facilitate everyone to get on the same page, or at least find some common ground. Do not avoid opening temples merely because you can't get everyone to agree. You don't need everyone, only a few. After all, Prabhupada a pure devotee, did not get everyone. He was happy with who he did get though.

And/or, how about this for motivation? 

Did some authority mess you over? Did someone take your apartment/house out from under your feet? Or your job/service? Did someone humiliate you repeatedly? Have you or a friend been severely hit but it was brushed under the carpet by authorities? Do you even suspect someone may have hurt your child, or any child - yet you have to see that individual at the temple, or worse, hear them give class? Have you been exposed to far too much political jargon to make wrong things appear right, and you are feeling a lack of enough spiritual katha?

For these, and other similar reason's, it's time to detach from the huge corporate ISKCON, and for the sake of yourself or loved ones, open a temple. Help bring this to an end:
It is not that the above goes on all the time or everywhere. No. The problem is that when it goes on, not enough legal action is taken. Like the Catholic Church. Thus this post. 

Now, some readers may think I am anti-iskcon. No, you might even be able to legally call your temple iskcon [like iskonbangalore did]. Tho do check it out with the law. And there's nothing wrong with giving it other names, like "Radha Krishna Temple" via George Harrison recording, or "Bhakti Yoga Center," so on and so forth.

Simply, when a religious organization is so big, making decisions on phones in offices away from real people or actual situations, and their decision-making has no effect on them - they may loose awareness. 

Let others who can really fix them, take them on. If you can't fix it, and most of us can not, then start your own temple. 

It doesn't have to be huge or fancy, just clean. Keep it small in numbers. Keep it in line with Prabhupada. Keep it safe. Do a Morning and Evening Program. Perform various services throughout the day. Harinama is fun to do! :) Prabhupada has instructed all of us to open temples. We need to stop ignoring this instruction:

"Yourself, Tamala, Mukunda, Hamsaduta, Syamasundara—all of you are in now double strength, so please do things very enthusiastically and organize the world Sankirtana Party because in India the people are already expecting us next year. Also open as many branches as possible." Srila Prabhupada letter to Umapati das, LA Ca, April 26, 1970

"Every householder, husband and wife together, they require to live in an apartment, so if they have got an extra room, they can immediately start a center." - Srila Prabhupada letter to Vamanadeva, Tittenhurst, 21 October, 1969

"It is not unnecessarily we are opening so many centers. No. It is for the benefit of the human society." - Srila Praabhupada Lecture on SB 6.1.49 -- New Orleans Farm, August 1, 1975

"Regarding opening branches in Laguna Beach, you know I am always very much enthusiastic to open branches, so if another branch can be opened for propagating Krishna Consciousness, it is always welcome. " ~ Srila Prabhupada Letter to Tamala Krsna, New Vrindaban June 17, 1969

"All these newses are to me life-giving ambrosia, so the more you open branches, the more I increase my duration of life." SP letter to Sridama - Los Angeles 10 April, 1970  [Yes, he is still here. Tho different, but present, so lets keep him present.]

If in your little temple, God forbid but one day abuse or molestation is committed, and you know for certain that it has been committed, the philosophy preached followed by actions, should be to call the police and arrest them. [Safely and with know-how.] Then, back to Krishna Consciousness. We will be more Krishna Conscious this way, not less. 

Cover-ups and dishonesty in the name of so-called preaching or so-called helping our society, has instead damaged our reputation. That philosophy is backwards thinking. It even reduces effectiveness  of our Sankirtana and Harinama. 

IMHO it's also a way some [not all] authorities can be lazy and avoid genuinely dealing with the problem, nor learn how to! Simply trying to get everyone to pretend that it's not so bad, or if we were more spiritual we could handle it, so on and so forth - is nonsense.  In that way they don't have to lift a finger, can sit back and drink their chai. :) It's time they step up to the plate and do their jobs the way Prabhupada instructed this service to be done. 

It is honesty, and correct dealings, that will change our reputation. These qualities will also increase our spiritual life because once we get the person causing trouble out of the picture, we can get back to our devotional service and won't have to spend a lot of time hiding this, that, or the other thing that was wrong - again. 

If people do not make a choice, thinking, hoping, it will all get resolved even tho it has not for decades - then a choice will automatically be made, usually by the material energy, and often for the worst. 

Therefore, you ARE making a choice. Doing nothing and just sitting on the sidelines, "is" doing something. It's letting more children etc be harmed, and Prabhupada's Movement go down the tubes.
Honesty is the best policy - and the last leg Mother Bhumi stands on in this age. To close our eyes and pretend everything is ok when it is not, is karmic. Don't let it's severity bounce back on you. Take action - open a safe temple.

"A person who knows things as they are and still does not bear witness becomes involved in sinful activities." - Caitanya Caritamrita, Madhya 5.90

"There was a poetry by Rabindranath Tagore. The purport of the poetry is that one who is mischievous, he is culprit. But one who tolerates mischievous activity, he is also culprit. If you are mischievous, you are criminal. But if you tolerate mischievous activities that is also criminal." - Srila Prabhupada Conversation, May 3, 1973

Of course, if going thru something personal, one may not be able to get involved. That is different, and should be consciously noted as different so others do not use it as an excuse.

Some may ask, what about mercy for the abuser or molester? Maybe they need therapy? Or some other form of help? Or fond of quoting Bhagavad-Gita 9:30 where the devotee is forgiven for any action?

First, that verse is not a free license to intentionally commit sins behind closed doors [7th of 10 Offenses] then try to wiggle out of those actions through service. The verse is for devotees no longer engaging in such actions but are instead maintaining a pure lifestyle.  Is an accidental slip forgivable? Sure. But it's not "all one." They are not all on the same level. Details differ depending on what went on. And it's certainly not about keeping one foot in, one foot out; following when everyone is looking, but dong whatever they feel like doing when they're not. Especially if an offense was Vaishnava aparadha. Add to that, if it's someone in a high position with power over others, they should not have such a weakness and uncontrolled senses. 

Forgiveness can not be voted in, demanded, or granted by society. It must be given by the victim. Nor should they be forced to do so by others who did not go thru it, or anyone at all. The offender must first exhibit truthful remorse, coupled with real steps to change any such thinking or hidden propensities of that nature. This seldom magically goes away. It often requires professional help. And the victim gets to feel whatever they feel for however long it takes them to mend, or to forgive. This is one reason why it is so important that we do not offend each other! 

"...if Krsna consciousness is covered by material sins, one can eliminate the sins simply by chanting the Hare Krsna mantra, but if one pollutes his Krsna consciousness by offending a brahmana or Vaishnava, one cannot revive it until one properly atones for the sin by pleasing the offended Vaishnava or brahmana.” ~ Srimad Bhagavatam 4.26.24

Of course, we recognize two stages of grief are denial and anger. It appears there's a lot of that going on. We hope it will soon progress to the next stages because there can be a karmic reaction when  misusing shastra to justify wrong actions. Be careful.

"Satyam. This word means that one should not distort the truth for some personal interest. In Vedic literature there are some difficult passages, but the meaning or the purpose should be learned from a bona fide spiritual master. That is the process for understanding the Vedas. Śruti means that one should hear from the authority. One should not construe some interpretation for his personal interest." -  Bhagavad-gita As It Is 16.1-3, P

Any offender is welcome to seek help. That is not the job of the victim, nor the overall population, which should be protected from such persons. An abuser can certainly take the appropriate action to go and get therapy. We wish them well and to heal. Simply, only they can fix themselves or walk into a therapists office - followed by sincerely doing the work. No one can do any of this for them. They must show genuine interest and do it for themselves.

Plus, anyone, no matter what they have done, can be a devotee in their home. "This" is where Bhagavad-gita 9:30 applies! They can still be practice Krishna Consciousness and continue to undergo the purification process. However, they do not need to attend - putting our children, women, or the elderly - at risk. 
Let persons with such problems worship at home, or thru the internet. The combination of therapy and private worship is where there may be hope. Not pretending it's unreal or not that bad. Keep them away from the rest of the devotee populace.

As fixing Iskcon is not our job, fixing the abuser or molester is also not our job. Are you a fixaholic? :) We can't fix everyone. That's impractical, overwhelming, and an over-endeavor = cause of falldown. We have to first and foremost save ourselves, and family.

Matter of fact, we are doing the offender a disservice by sweeping their sins under the rug. Karma after death, or next life for that person, will be worse than accepting their consequences in this life.

Next, what guru to worship at your new temple? IMHO, why take risks? The undoubtedly pure devotee Srila Prabhupada would be my recommendation. If you disagree but do not know what guru to trust, for now worship Srila Prabhupada and see where that goes. After all, if we are not clear in Prabhupada's teachings, if some authorities can misuse his words and we do not recognize that, than how can we know if someone is properly representing them? [Rhetorical.] Sure, you feel you know all this. Great! However, after 47 years of being a devotee, I am still finding quotes that surprise me! This is blissful, ever fresh knowledge. Put time into studying his unchanged books.

What to speak of: "Do you know that every day even I read my own books?   Do you know why I read my books? I read my books everyday because even I learn something new when I read them. Do you know why I learn something new when I read my books? Because these books are not my books - I do not write these books.    Every morning when I sit here to write my books Krsna comes personally and he dictates to me what to write, I simply take dictation from Krsna and I write these books. Therefore when I read them even I learn something.” Srila Prabhupada Room conversation with Bhagavat Das Vanachari, Bombay, 1974

Ok, I have said what I felt a strong push to speak, or type. Simply to reiterate: If you want abuse to stop repeating, instead of letting so many authorities be in charge of you, you become the authority in charge of yourself and loved ones by finding the ambition to open a small, peaceful, kind, temple. Set the example. Do not copy the wrong actions you've seen or read. Do not create your own either. :) It's easy to avoid these simply by sticking with, and always focusing on, Prabhupada's instructions regarding how to open and run a temple. Doesn't have to be fancy. Can start with a small daily gathering and a couple of spiritual pictures. See my links on how to make an altar at home, how to offer and worship at home, etc, at the sidebar. It's in the early date of the first posts I ever made.
Find inspiration that helps you take action, a few families at a time. You can thoroughly interview them if needed [google how to do this], but get going! :) IMHO it will please Srila Prabhupada. 


Why Start A Temple?  Ladies can also open temples, it's bonafide. :)

America: State Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Numbers: Here is a list for the USA. Remember, child abuse is not someone who disciplines their child in a way you disagree. Abuse is horrid. And neglect is about "serious" neglect. Not a parent who is less than perfect but essentially okay. Report if you are aware any of that is going on.

A Fun, Spiritual Place - Your Home! :) While this and other posts on my blog explain you can do it for yourself at home - please don't let that stop you from opening temples, because Prabhupada also wanted you to open them!

This and That - Related issues discussed.

The Old Days - Now A Days - See how you can recreate it for yourselves.

Proof That The GBC Have Lost Touch with the people, with what their own service is according to Srila Prabhupada's instructions about GBC, are not sufficiently caring about those hurt, making arm-chair decision from offices without comprehending what has happened or the pain it causes. Tho I am not a follower of the particular devotee who made the video comments - at all - and do not endorse him. However, in this case I believe he gave a good synopsis of what goes on when they think no one is looking.