
Thursday, March 2, 2017

Gallery of Holy Names Blissfulness

Why does anyone take to chanting Hare Krishna? And why on earth to the keep to it? I thought to answer this in photo's. Maybe I'll say a word or two, but mostly its either quotes on the pictures - or no quotes on some pictures send the message just fine. Enjoy! 

Joyous, personal discovery:

 Change your fate:

The sound vibration is easy yet not material:

Expand your consciousness!

Reach up to bliss!

Ever feel down and out, hopeless, contaminated? Simply start chanting [which includes singing] because first it instantly changes that mood and secondly:

No need to worry:

Krishna / God wants you to be happy - and chanting makes a person happy! :)

Chanting creates a real connection with God, right now.

Not everyone can travel to holy lands, but everyone can get the same results by chanting!

o you feel the mind, or tongue, or what you listen to [tv, commercials, etc] are uncontrolled? The way out - is in. Chanting of course. :)

He loves you! Therefore gives Himself to you thru sound / chanting:

Remain in a liberated state:

When we water the root of a tree instead of each leave, the various problems get resolved. That root is chanting.

Japa, bead bag, Krishna -  the name is the same. :)

There is no question of Caste, Creed, Color, Social Position:

Sing it loud! I chant and I'm proud! :)

Even a child can do it! :)
Everyone and everything benefits, moving and nonmoving-think about that one! :)

Freedom, Freeeeeedom, FREEDOM! :)

Everyone wants happiness. Chanting is how to get it.




There is no need to join any organization. Simply chant, dance, be happy! :)

CHANT and BE HAPPY: wonderful, blissful interview with George Harson. It's good to have your very own copy. Inexpensive paperback version, click here.  For the Kindle version, click here.

Related Posts:

Absorption Is Key [photo's!],

George Harrison has often enlivened many. Be Here Now.

Friendship [pics too].

Guru - how to pick, should you pick, who to pick, etc! :)
[You can have a guru and not join any organization - OR you don't have to have a guru to benefit by chanting. What you do at home is your business. Just thought to add this link in case anyone has questions.]